[Fanart] [Round 51] Valentine's day

Feb 17, 2010 06:52

Author/Artist: megusagara
Characters/Pairings: Yuuram/Wolfyuu
Rating: Mild
Warnings: none
Theme/Prompt being used: Valentine's day

I'm tired, it's too late D: but I want to finish it haha....
Happy Valentine (a little late....) for everyone, this is only a simple sketch colored whit a lot of effects xDDD but it's cute at all. I really like it so much, I miss the purikura machine of my cowntry....have only 1 and now it's gone D:

This was inspired by a photo that toshimalfoy  upload in wolframfans comm, a purikuma of Wolfie and Conrart XD
*hum....I edit the tag and add accidentaly 'fanfic2010' and this is not a fic xDDD and I don't know how to delete these tag....and my brain is died at this moment, I need sleep...if somebody can edit it I'll be very thankful*

round 051, challenger - megusagara, wolfram, fanart:2010, yuuri, yuuri/wolfram

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