Round 48 Winner

Dec 16, 2009 18:19

Check out Round 48 if you haven't yet! Now, on to the winners!

People's Choice
[Fic] Fifteen Till Meeting [Yuuri/Wolfram, G] by disownmereturns.

disownmereturns, just let me know which of the following you'd like! If you choose A then let me know where you'd like the gift certificate to and if you choose one of the others just give however much prompting you'd like! You can comment here or email.

A) $10 gift certificate*
B) 3 icons of their choosing**
C) A ficlet/sketch** of their choosing.
(*Good for,, or **Icons, ficlet, and/or sketch to be created by a mod or mod-approved volunteer.)

Thank you so much to those who voted and submitted!

winners, round 048

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