[Fic][Round 38] Two Worlds, Rating: G

Jun 08, 2009 01:03

Author: Isha
Title: Two Worlds
Characters: Shinou, Murata
Word Count: 795
Rating: G
Any Warnings: Short. And kinda strange.
Prompt being used:Character - Murata
Timeline: Post S3

Disclaimer: I own none of these very entertaining characters, please don’t sue me. Thank you.


The voice droned on, but he did not pay it much mind. Right now, they were still talking about things he already knew-events from more than a thousand years ago, but of course, still fresh in his memory.

The delegation had just submitted their requests, and Lord von Christ had only been too delighted to recount the many years of diplomatic relations between Shin Makoku and Francshire, and all they had encompassed.

His Eminence Murata Ken wondered, idly, if he had ever bored the Shinou as Lord von Christ was quite obviously boring Shibuya. The twenty seventh Maou was openly asleep, head lolling on a shoulder as soft snores issued from his open mouth. Lord Weller only smiled fondly, while Lord von Bielefeld shot both him and the speaker annoyed glances, as if unable to make up his mind as to who should bear the brunt of his disapproval.

He himself did not need to pay attention, either, because he knew what Shin Makoku should do now, he’d known it ever since the proposal had been raised and the meeting had been convened. But this was Shibuya’s kingdom now, his to run and his to nurture.

It was strange, really, to have these conflicting emotions warring for dominance within him. He wanted to let Shibuya be king in his own right, and make his own decisions, but he could still remember the power and authority that had come from being the Daikenja, when his every order had been followed blindly, because everyone knew the Shinou trusted him implicitly when it came to Shin Makoku’s welfare.

He could see the correct path before him, and he itched to reclaim the power to take it almost as much as he wanted to see Shibuya find it on his own.

‘Is he still going on about the land’s history? I’m surprised you’re not asleep, as well.’

He did not reply to the low voice, but then, the Shinou was not one to let that discourage him. Hidden as he was in the breast pocket of his sage’s uniform, he was quite invisible to the room’s other occupants. ‘Let me know when they get around to making a decision,’ he muttered, and Murata huffed a silent laugh.

Of course. If he had ever been as long winded when talking to the Shinou, they would never have made any decisions at all. The Original King had been notorious for being easily distracted.

It was one of the reasons why he’d had such authority as the Daikenja, because the Shinou had trusted him to make the decisions he’d not had the patience to make himself.

And he knew things were not the same, this was a different king, a different time, a different life-but still, despite himself, he sometimes found himself falling into familiar patterns.

For instance, even as his mind wandered and he listened with only half an ear, another part of himself thought about the possible ramifications of agreeing to Francshire’s requests, and the steps to take to ensure the best possible result for Shin Makoku-

He usually managed to shake himself out of it, but lately he was more prone to it than before. It was all because of Shinou, of course.

The man was still here, and everything about him was the same, the way he spoke, the way he smiled, the way his eyes burned with a fierce passion whenever they gazed upon him-as if four thousand years had not passed and he himself had not died and taken more births than he cared to remember.

And he was always swayed by the past, no matter how much he tried to resist. Even now, he couldn’t be sure who he wanted to be more-the man from their shared memories or this new person he could be, now that he knew there would be no more births and rebirths for him.

He wanted to embrace all the possibility of this new life while not letting go of the old one.

It was impossible, of course. Sooner or later, he had to make a choice. This life or the old.

Shibuya finally came awake, choking on a snore and jerking into wakefullness. Lord von Christ stopped, and Shibuya took the opportunity to turn to Lord Weller and plaintively ask him what exactly the problem was. As the other man’s voice filled the room, the Shinou chuckled.

‘I guess I should be glad you weren’t like this von Christ, eh?’

A small smile crossed his face, and he sat back in his seat, content to watch as Shibuya struggled through the rocky landscape of politics.

He eventually had to make a decision, but until that time, he could continue to enjoy the best of both worlds.


A/N: I…really have no idea what this turned into. Apologies for the strangeness. :/

Anyway, many thanks for reading, all concrit and comments are welcome. =)

shinou, murata, fanfic:2009, round 038, challenger - isha_libran, sage

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