[Round 32] [Fic] Title: Intersections, G

Mar 05, 2009 10:25

Author: Isha
Title: Intersections
Characters: Conrart/Julia/Adelbert (Yes, you read that right.)
Word Count: 2,290
Rating: G
Any Warnings: Spoilers for Conrart/Julia/Adelbert ‘s backstory. Also, major WTF-ery ahoy!
Prompt being used: Romantic relationships - self challenge
Timeline: Pre-series

Disclaimer: I own none of these very entertaining characters, please don’t sue me. Thank you.

A/N: So this is all teef_chan’s fault. Because she plunnied me with it, and then I couldn’t help myself. In other words, if this sucks, blame her, not me. :P


In the beginning, it hadn’t even been her - it was him he had been drawn to; almost without volition.

People spoke of him in hushed tones, this consummate warrior who had won victories for Shin Makoku with his skills.

It was him that he wanted to eclipse, just as he had been consumed by trying to outdo his instructor at the academy, that insufferable Gunter von Christ.

Because, after all, no one dreamed that a half breed could be better than one who had the blood of nobility running through their veins.

He watched while the man practised with his sword, intimidating the new recruits with his swordplay.

He watched, and while he wished he could scoff, he had to admit-reluctantly-that the man was every bit as good a fighter as rumor proclaimed.

He watched, and he smiled to himself. This would be one challenge he would not lose.

One way or another, he would bring Lord Adelbert von Grantz down.


When he first heard of the engagement, he had felt nothing.

He had only seen her from afar at a ball or two, having been away on campaigns most of the time, but from what he remembered, Susannah Julia von Wincott had seemed agreeable enough.

And he would marry her, this woman he had no feelings for, because it was expected of him, and he was a man who had never shirked from his duty.

As the soldier before him stumbled, his arm darted out until his sword rested at the other man’s neck.

The other recruits around him erupted into cheers and sounds of awe, but it was a soft, sardonic chuckle that drew his attention.

It was him.

The second son of the Maou, the middle prince of Shin Makoku.

The half breed.

Did he really think he hadn’t noticed him hanging around the courtyard whenever he decided to train his men? Indolently leaning against a pillar with his arms crossed, eyes full of malicious amusement as he watched without a word-

He was going to wipe that perpetual smirk off the boy’s face.

‘So you think you can do better, Lord Weller?’ he called out, his temper snapping as he glared at the younger man.

‘I know I can do better,’ the boy drawled in reply, straightening slowly.

‘Very well,’ he gritted out, voice growing harsher as his anger flared. His men moved quickly aside as he brandished his sword. ‘Come at me, then.’

Weller said nothing, simply looking at him for a moment, and then there was a sudden flash of steel, and he fell back at the lightning quick attack.

He blinked at the equally quick parry to his own thrust. The boy was talented, he had to admit it.

He smiled. This would be interesting.

Their audience was forgotten as the two of them danced around each other with each parry and thrust and slash, and soon they were both panting from the effort of keeping their equally skilled opponent at bay.

Their swords locked, and Weller smiled, tossing his hair-absurdly long hair for a swordsman, it must get in his eyes all the time-as he suddenly heaved and slid out from under him, leaving him temporarily open.

He followed quickly enough, cursing himself inwardly for the slight shift in power. He had trained under Gunter von Christ, after all; he was used to fighting against opponents who were disconcertingly attractive-and this was a mere boy, a half breed-

This time, he was the one at the advantage, but his sword slid to the other man’s neck a moment too late, and then they had jumped apart again, both panting.

He leapt upon him again with a growl, giving him no time to rally, their eyes meeting as their swords clashed, and something electric passed between them-


He sprang back with a gasp, his sword still at the ready as he turned to see who had called him so familiarly.


There was a low, wordless sound of annoyance from Weller, and then he had turned away to face his father, who was walking toward him at his usual stately pace.

‘Lady von Wincott has come to meet her fiance,’ his father said. ‘Come, son, you can train the half breeds later.’

Another sardonic chuckle, much like the one that had led to their duel, and then Weller had dropped into an elaborate bow, a perfect example of the height of court ettiquette.

‘By your leave, Lord von Grantz,’ he drawled, glancing up at him from under his hair with eyes that sparkled with amusement.

And then he had smoothly risen and walked away.

Well, it had been a long time since he had had a chance to test his skills with such a worthy opponent, and for that he was grateful, even if Weller was a half breed.

With a shrug, he turned away and accompanied his father, dismissing the incident-and the man-from his mind completely.

Lady Susannah Julia von Wincott was everything they said she was, beautiful and kind, a living light-but it was of burning eyes and hot breath panting across his ear that he dreamed that night.


She had not thought she would come to love him.

She had been resigned to her engagement-it would be no use to protest, she would not live long enough to marry him, of that she was sure-but she had not expected to actually like Adelbert von Grantz.

He had seemed cold at their first meeting, but the longer they had spent together, the more she had come to understand the man hidden behind the harsh, forbidding manner.

And though their hopes and dreams were very dissimilar, she was content with their gentle happiness, this peace she felt when she was with him; his head pillowed in her lap as they sat in a meadow not far from the castle.

She was picking a leaf out of her hair, laughing at her own inability, when she started at the feel of his hand on her cheek. His fingers were shaking as he pulled her down to him, his lips meeting hers.

She jerked away at a sudden sound, and he moved too, springing to his feet even as she floundered on the ground. She blinked, identifying the sound as hoofbeats-a horse that had been cantering past had suddenly been urged into a gallop.

‘Who was that?’

There was a pause-so slight she wouldn’t have noticed it if her hearing hadn’t been so honed by years of living in the dark-and then:

‘Lord Conrart Weller.’

There was a curious, leaden quality to Adelbert’s voice as he said the name, but she had no time to wonder about it, because he was helping her up now and leading her to their horses, telling her they couldn’t dally here, where curious eyes could easily chance upon them-

It was much later that night that she realised that the tone in Adelbert’s voice had been one of regret.


‘Something wrong, Conrart?’

He flung a glare at the interruption, but Gunter von Christ was as unruffled as ever. And from past experience, he knew the man would not leave him alone until he got an answer, so he shrugged as he turned away.

‘I’m only getting in a little practise,’ he replied, letting out a breath as he released the arrow. It flew straight and true, embedding itself into the target with a satisfying sound, and Gunter clapped.

‘You’ve certainly improved from your days at the Academy, Conrart. You used to have no respect for any weapon but the sword.’

He said nothing as he nocked another arrow to his bowstring, ignoring the man as always, even as he burned to know why the older man had sought him out.

‘Sadly, it is time for you to put away your bow for now,’ Gunter went on, almost as if he had read his mind. ‘The Maou would like you to join us tonight.’


‘Yes, Lord von Grantz is holding a ball in honour of his son’s latest victory. And you have not yet met his fiancee, Lady von Wincott, have you?’

The arrow flew from his fingers, and he cursed himself for his volatile nature as it missed the centre of the target. Swallowing his anger, he bent to pick up another arrow.

‘As you can see, I still need more practise,’ he said lightly, not turning to face von Christ. ‘Tell my mother I apologise for not being able to make it.’

‘Conrart, your mother would like you to attend in your capacity as one of the Crown Princes of Shin Makoku. And may I remind you that the von Grantzs are one of the Ten Nobles, you cannot slight them in such-’

‘I doubt they would want a half breed like me polluting the place, anyway,’ he snarled, finally turning to face the other man, and von Christ fell silent at the look on his face.

‘As you wish,’ the older man replied, turning away with his usual grace, and soon he was alone again.

He dropped his arm with a sigh, letting the end of the bow touch the floor as he ran a hand over his eyes. Go to a ball-to see von Grantz behaving like a lovesick fool?

The man had gone soft ever since his engagement to that woman, no longer was he a worthy opponent. Ordinarily, he would have sought him out for a rematch-he well knew Adelbert’s pride-but lately, it seemed von Grantz was content to abandon his sword in favour of balls and dances and parties.

Because of her.

With a low growl, he flung the bow to the ground and stalked away.


At first, she had thought he was only angry at her, but after that first meeting with him she realised that Lord Conrart Weller was angry with the whole world, and most especially with the fate that he had been dealt.

Outwardly, he was always polite-impeccable in ettiquette-but she could sense the undercurrent of barely suppressed rage that hid beneath his light tone, and she wasn’t able to help herself, she was drawn to him.

She was the best healer of the age, after all.

She wanted to help him-to hold him close to her breast and stroke his hair away from his forehead until his anger had abated and that smile returned to his voice, the one she had felt only once before, when he had greeted his mother.

Adelbert soothed her heart, but he stirred it.

And the more time she spent with him, the more she realised how alike they were in their thoughts and their ideals, and then suddenly one day she realised that somehow, his anger disappeared whenever he was with her, and that she could hear the lightness of his heart reflected in his voice when he spoke her name, and in the careful touch of his hand upon hers when he guided her on one of their many walks together.

‘What is it?’

She realised with a start that her grip on his hand had noticably tightened, and that his voice was full of worry as he stopped and looked at her.

‘It’s nothing,’ she lied, giving his hand a little squeeze. ‘I’m just glad you’re with me.’

He said nothing, but she could feel his answering smile, and it made her heart constrict, because it was so rare that he smiled with his whole heart, especially in these dark days.


His name came out as a sob, and he caught her by the shoulders when she stumbled toward him, her head going so naturally into his chest, the sunlight warm on her hair as it fell about her face-


His voice was shaking, and in it she heard all manner of things unsaid, words that they could never say to each other-

So she leaned up, and pressed her lips to his before he could break and say any of them, because if he did, they could never go back, and she had her destiny and he had his fate-

And she knew it was wrong, that it was a betrayal of the worst kind, but she knew then that she could entrust her soul to no one else.

Not even Adelbert.


‘There was nothing else?’

Gunter von Christ shook his head silently, and his hand tightened on the small leather bag in his grasp.

So it was true, then.

One of his subordinates had told him the rumor that Julia’s pendant had been seen around Conrart Weller’s neck. He had not paid it any mind at the time, because there had been more important things to worry about than baubles, but now…

It would have been something to remember her by.

His chair scraped against the floor as he stood up, and Gunter von Christ stood too, reaching out to him.

‘Lord von Grantz, allow me to express my deepest condolences, on behalf of myself and my daughter. Lady von Wincott was-’

He did not wait to hear him finish the sentence, closing the door behind him as he exited the man’s office. It was pointless of him to stay any longer.

Even Weller-who he might have challenged for Julia’s pendant-was gone.

There was nothing for him here any more.

Mounting his horse, Lord Adelbert von Grantz of the Ten Nobles took a long look around him.

And then he rode out of the gates of Shin Makoku for the last time.


A/N: Um. Yes. I can’t believe I wrote this, either. And that it’s this long! This was originally supposed to be just a set of three drabbles from each of their POVs, but then it just grew and grew! :P

Thanks very much for reading, all comment and concrit is very welcome. =)

round 031, julia, aldebert, conrad, fanfic:2009, challenger - isha_libran

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