[Fic] [Round 30] Where is the Chocolate?, G

Feb 13, 2009 19:48

Author/Artist: saurab
Characters/Pairings: Yuuri, Wolfram (kind of Yuuri/Wolfram)
Word Count: 375
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Theme/Prompt being used: Valentine's Day

A/N: My first submission. Thanks to Solaris Moon for the quick beta.

Where is the Chocolate?

Yuuri watched as a very irritated Wolfram dumped all the contents of Yuuri's wardrobe on the floor, searching frantically for something. This had been going on for the last hour, and Yuuri had decided instantly not to interfere. So Yuuri had pretended to read, while watching Wolfram from behind his book. After some more minutes Wolfram gave up.

”OK, Yuuri. Where are they?” Wolfram asked.

“I don't know what you're talking about,” Yuuri said, still holding the book in front of his face.

“You do, you cheating bastard! I've looked in all your hiding places - even the stupid ones - and they are nowhere! Did you already eat them?” Wolfram's eyes flashed menacingly.

“You want them so you can burn them, like last year?”

“That's irrelevant.”

Yuuri sighed, closing his book. “Just so you know, I didn't receive any Valentine's Day chocolate this year.”

Wolfram's expression was blank. “I don't believe you. Gunter has been working on his for days.”

“Yes, I know,” said Yuuri sadly.

There was a pause.

“So?” Wolfram prompted. “What happened then?”

Yuuri tried to look innocent. “He did give me his chocolate, but I didn't accept it.”

Wolfram wasn't convinced. “You would never say no to chocolate, Yuuri, you are too greedy.”

Yuuri ignored him. “Poor Gunter,” he said pitifully.

“Yuuri ...”

“I really didn't get any, Wolfram. Just believe me already, would you?”

Wolfram studied Yuuri's face for a moment, in which Yuuri plastered the most innocent expression he could muster on his face. Wolfram sighed. “All right, Yuuri. I'm not completely convinced, but I'll let it drop for now. But if I discover you've been lying to me, Yuuri.” Wolfram's eyes narrowed. “You'll pay.” He left the room, and slammed the door after him.

Yuuri waited some minutes in the complete silence, before opening his jacket and reaching his hand under the shirt, from which he dragged a small chocolate box labelled:

'Happy Valentine's Day, Heika!

Gunter ♥ '.

Yuuri stuffed his mouth with a piece of chocolate and sighed happily.

Sometimes, you need to be sneaky, Yuuri decided. And what Wolfram didn't know, didn't harm him.


I was really going to make a fanart of this scene, but it didn't go as planned *grins*. Hope you liked this, and thanks for reading!

challenger - saurab, round 030, wolfram, fanfic:2009, yuuri, yuuri/wolfram

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