[Fic] [Round 22] Willing Isolation, PG

Oct 26, 2008 00:14

Author/Artist:  raynehargreaves
Characters/Pairings: Greta, YuuRam
Word Count: 964 words
Rating: PG
Warnings: AU, heavy duty topics
Theme/Prompt: Isolation
A/N: This is my first time! <3 I hope I'm doing this right... I hadn't intended on it coming out like this, but in the end, I really liked the course it followed.

In the beginning, school was fine. She was nice to everyone she talked to and met, just like she'd been taught. Everyone seemed to like her okay, and that was a relief. She got to eat lunch with some of her classmates, and she found out that they liked the same things she liked, they did the same things she did. She was happy, because they were little kids just like her, so she wouldn't have to worry about not fitting in.

The next few weeks after that were okay. Wolfram started walking home with her after school, and her classmates immediately noticed the difference between them. He's not your real Papa, is he? they asked. No, he's not, she'd said. I'm adopted. But they were okay with that, Lily was adopted too, and so was Robert- it's not that uncommon to be adopted. And she breathed a sigh of relief. So she still fit in with them.

But then Back-to-School Night happened, and her classmates and their parents found out. Wolfram and Yuuri came to it, because they both wanted to see what she'd been doing in class. She led them around her homeroom class happily, showing them her drawings and her A papers. She didn't notice the looks the parents gave her fathers behind their backs, or hear the whispers between her classmates behind hers. She didn't see how disgusted people looked when Yuuri gave Wolfram a kiss, or when they held hands as they walked. Yuuri and Wolfram noticed and heard and saw, but they didn't say anything.

After that, no matter how hard she tried, none of her classmates wanted to continue being friends anymore. They gave excuses and made up stories. None of them were willing to tell her the truth. And even though she had so much in common with them in the first place, she started feeling like someone completely separated from them- isolated in her own little world. She struggled to maintain normalcy, pulled at threads to keep fitting in. But then one cruel little boy called her out- shouted to the enire school that Greta Shibuya's parents were gay. And that was the end of fitting in. She was shunned from everything. Little children can be the most harsh in these types of situations. And her teachers chose to ignore it. They turned a blind eye to her troubles.

Was it so wrong to have two boy parents love each other? Yuuri and Wolfram were just like any other Daddy and Mommy, except one of them was Papa and not Mommy. She'd never thought seriously of it before, but now, when she had her chance of being just like everyone else, this had come up, and everyone in her class and her whole entire school thought she was weird and didn't like her at all and she felt so alone when she went to school now that she just wished her Daddy and Papa weren't born gay! She'd gone to her room, crying for the whole of five minutes before both Yuuri and Wolfram came in to hug her and kiss her and say that they were so so sorry, that their Greta shouldn't have to go through with all the hatred and prejudice just because they were different from normal Daddys and Mommys, because they wanted their Greta to be happy in school and not be bullied and made fun of just because of them.

And she cried more. Because it wasn't fair that she get mad at her Daddy and Papa, because that was the way they were and they loved each other so nothing else mattered. Nothing else should mattter. So when she went to school she tried to keep smiling just like Yuuri and Wolfram had told her to, but she couldn't help but feel lonely. But then when she was walking out so Wolfram could pick her up, she saw all of the kids making fun of him in just loud enough voices so that he could hear, and the parents saying nothing but giving him disapproving looks, and her Papa still stood there waiting for her, even though he looked like he was going to start crying, so she marched right up and took his hand and glared at everyone, daring any of them to make fun of her Papa again. And the whole walk home she glared at anybody that even looked like they were going to give him that look.

Her mind was made up. She didn't need any of those people in her life. If they couldn't accept her Daddy or Papa, then they couldn't accept her either. She didn't need to fit in with her classmates because she fit in perfectly in Yuuri and Wolfram's world, and that was fine with her. She didn't need anything or anyone else. She went through the rest of elementary school, middle school, and high school with that same mindset, always remembering that one afternoon in second grade. She found her girlfriend Beatrice in college, and from then on had to go through the same troubles when they adopted their daughter Julia. All the rest of her life she continued on like that. Until the day she died she was always fighting against that look and those whispers, never giving up because she was fighting for the most precious people she had ever loved, and if she couldn't make their lives better by the end of that effort, then she'd make it better for her child or the children of other parents like her Daddy and Papa, or their children, or their children, and hopefully all those children would fight for what was right and what mattered the most until the whole world was free from that look and those whispers.

She died isolated, but not alone.

greta, challenger - raynehargreaves, fanfic:2008, wolfram, round 022, yuuri, yuuri/wolfram

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