[Fanart] [Round 2] PG-13...ish?

Dec 29, 2007 02:45

Author/Artist: Teef_chan
Characters/Pairings: Greta, Gwendal, Günter, Jennifer(Miko), Konrad, Murata, Shoma, Shouri, Yozak, and Yuuri
Rating: Uhm... like PG-13ish?
Any Warnings: Uh... mentions of sexual predators?  And I honestly have no clue about this picture... I think I just kinda wanted to draw Konrad in a drunken stupor... And somehow everything else ended up being as it is.  O.o Uhm... Enjoy?
Theme/Prompt being used: Image

Sorry 'bout my craptastic handwriting. Hopefully anyone who actually wants to, will be able to read it. >.> And hopefully people will be able to tell who's who.

*fail* -_-;;;  *realized she needs to start double checking for spelling misshapes before scanning things* 

murata, jennifer, greta, shori, yuuri, fanart:2007, gwendal, challenger - teef_chan, round 002, yozak, wolfram, conrad, gunter, shouma

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