XD on the bus and subway apparently. >.> Let's face it, that's just his Evil-divert-off-pervs-looking-at-Yuri gear. >.> Nothing quite like a pissy face and glowing glasses to indicate evilness, you know like a mischievious smirk and glowing glasses to indicate trouble to the person in front of them. *Cough*Murata*Cough*
The point of the game was to copy the expression of the person in front of your without really seeing or knowing what they were doing.
But Gunter wasn't listening.
Sc1 v2
Gunter = ESP fail.
Sc2 v1
Wolfram: You have to agree to this seiyuu event, Yuuri! It's our one chance to get back our ratings!
Sc2 v2
Yozak and Gunter knew that it was only a matter of time before this "meeting" turned into something more appropriate for their meeting place.
Shori: It's useful when I'm driving at night!
Conrad: *nods in agreement*
Yuuri: *off screen* You don't even own a car. D:
I'm sorry, I ttly phail this week.
Gomen. *bows*
Thank you~
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