week 70 screencaps

Aug 09, 2009 11:11

Because of the attack on LJ, Twitter etc, I dunno about anyone else but I've been unable to get into LJ for the past 2 days, which is why the captions weren't posted yesterday. So here they are today instead.

Week 70 screencaps )

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PHAILZ! vanessasquest August 10 2009, 10:56:58 UTC

Yuri: No! Plushy iz Minez!
Conrad, thinking: I WILL have it!


Yuri: I've captured Squirtel!
Pochi: Squirtel-Squirt...
Conrad: Team Rocket is blasting off AGAIN!



Yuri: Adopt a Dragon or Conrad will track you down and kill you. This has been a Shin Makoku Public Announcement.


Conrad: Yuri-heika... Could you... say... put down Pochi for a moment and help me... before I fall to my doom if that's not too inconvenient for you?


Yuri: Oh crud... Conrad, I see a huge HUGE spider... save me, please.
Conrad: Alright, I'll be right there. But, Yuri-heika, this *is* why I warned you about entering the Cliff of Ominous Death, Pain and Giant Spiders.
Yuri: But Pochi wanted to seeeeee... TTnTT


Yuri: Murata... before we intervene, what did you do THIS time?
Murata: Apparently Yo' Mama jokes are no longer good icebreakers.


Yuri: Spare Murata and Yozak! Take me instead...
Murata: Yes, YES... spare me, take HIM instead.
Yuri: =_='''''''' Why the hell am I friends with you?


Murata: This is the WORST Sweatin to the Oldies EVER!
Adalbert: I TOLD you it was fist-thrust right fist thrust LEFT!

And thus came an end to the shortest exercise program in Shin Makoku history.


Murata: Um, don't most people try to stab in the chest...? I mean, you're pointing at my THROAT here...
Yozak: Geika, critiqueing at this moment is probably a BAD idea.


Yuri, thinking: Why am *I* doing the manual labor...? I mean, it's not that I want to use my authority as the Maoh as a scape-goat, but... Conrad is just sitting there, wouldn't he be better suited with all his upper arm strength?


Yuri: Row faster, the fangirls cometh by sea!


Conrad: We could all just jump off the boat, or we can just keep staring at that giant man-eating land-fish that has crawled into our boat. Whichever you prefer, Yuri.


Conrad was mopy after being forced into a shopping trip to fix his wardrobe.


Conrad, Wolfram, and Yuri thinking: This is the lamest threesome ever. I should just jump him and get things started.


Re: PHAILZ! starrose17 August 11 2009, 12:21:37 UTC
LOL Fangirls cometh by sea XD


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