(no subject)

Aug 01, 2009 21:36

Polls are closed and the results are in! No captions from either mod this week.

The winner of screencap 1 with 7 to 5 votes is:

2nd place:


Wolfram decided to pick Yuri's pocket while he was distracted with his latest painting: Yuri in Drag While He Sleeps.

Yuri: ...Is... is that supposed to be me in a bikini?!
Wolfram, wallet in hand thinking: Success!

3rd place:


Wolfram: Don't look! Don't look! Gwendal doesn't have his tutu on yet! ;A;

The winner of screencap 2 with 7 to 4 votes is:

2nd place:


Yuuri brought his camera from earth. He then decided to take a picture with Conrad, Gunther and Wolfram but before the timer went off he found out he was getting married the following day.

3rd place:


As Gunter showed off his Jedi mind-magic, Wolfram watched indifferently as Gwendel orgasmed off screen, Yuri in horror, and Conrad in annoyance at how Gunter was abusing their powers as Jedi knights.

Conrad, telepathically: I am *so* telling Yoda on you.

The winner of screencap 3 with 9 to 5 votes is:

2nd place:


Murata: "What's your favorite scary movie?"
Yuuri: "I think you're supposed to do this over the phone."

3rd place:


Yuuri: Is this Murata, or is it just some weirdo in a mask coming to threaten my safety. Conrad?
Conrad: Well, I'd say that's a 50/50. I guess we can cut him down to be safe, or we can just let him go.
Wolfram: Cut him down, surely. We don't want him to become dangerous later on.
Yozak: Humm. He looks a bit short to be Geika...
Conrad: From this angle, you're right. Maybe Wolfram is correct and we should dispose of him.
Murata:*backs away slowly*


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