week 69 screencaps

Jul 31, 2009 23:26

Week 68 results later, but here are the week 69 screencaps! They're half an hour early cos I'm out nearly all day tomorrow, so the results will be much later.

Week 69 screencaps )

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amarissia August 1 2009, 05:30:12 UTC
*bursts out laughing* Good one!


vanessasquest August 1 2009, 10:57:32 UTC
XD When I first saw that I only saw: Blond Guy: Fetch me my bra!

>.> I loved that... though, I think the other one's okay. (TTnTT Sorry! XD I thought the 'first' version I read was UBER hilarious though.)


starrose17 August 1 2009, 17:04:58 UTC
LOL Excellent!


disownmereturns August 1 2009, 02:52:37 UTC
...and presto, I forget the name of Sara's uncle.

There we go!

Sc 1
Berias: We all know a lot of our viewers and getting sick of gay jokes and Star Wars jokes.
Conrad: So what are you going to do?
Berias: Stand here and not tell you anything.
Conrad: ...you suck.

Sc 2
Yuuri: Sh-sho-shori STOP! I've pulled the sword out of the stone already! I'm officially the Maou!
Shori: I know stupid! Now let me just pull it out of my foot!
Yuuri: ;A;

Sc 3
It was the first time they were doing a mid-term evaluation of the Maou's regime. Yuuri thought it was a joke, seeing Murata as his examiner and Conrad gesturing clauses from the King's Code behind him.


vanessasquest August 1 2009, 10:59:07 UTC
XD 1 and 3 = GOLD! XD YEAY cheatsheet!Conrad. XD


starrose17 August 1 2009, 17:06:02 UTC
LOL omg your one for screencap 2 had me really LOLing!


amarissia August 1 2009, 05:29:29 UTC
Screencap 1:

Conrad: "I don't know about this..."
Beryes: "Hey, we had a deal. I show you my secret hair-dying place, you show me your secret...place."
Fangirls off-screen: "YAY!"

Screencap 2:

Shori: "No little brother of mine is playing with a dangerous sword!"
Yuuri: "But that Merlin guy told me I have to pull it out of the stone..."

Screencap 3:

Rather than wait for Yuuri to be surprised by yet another aspect of the alternate world, Conrad decided to explain everything in advance. Occasionally, this backfired.
Conrad: "And this, your Majesty, is a chair. We use it for sitting."


vanessasquest August 1 2009, 10:59:53 UTC
Holy crap, 3 is effin' HILARIOUS!


starrose17 August 1 2009, 17:06:51 UTC
LOL Caption 3 is gold!


vanessasquest August 1 2009, 10:56:18 UTC
SC1v1 ( ... )


starrose17 August 1 2009, 17:09:05 UTC
There once was two seme in a room, who didn't know what they should do, all night they did squabble and fight who should do what and to whom.<.i>

LOVE it! lol


vanessasquest August 1 2009, 18:36:16 UTC
XD I based it on the anecdotal: There once was a gay and lesbian sent to a room, who didn't know what to do, all night they did squabble and fight who should do what and to whom.

<.< Ever here that one?


starrose17 August 1 2009, 20:37:31 UTC
Nope never heard it :)


tsugi_no_touji August 1 2009, 12:29:09 UTC
Screencap 1

Beries: Hello, nice to meet you. You must be Conrart, my customer for tonight. To what do I owe your unexpectedly early visit?
Conrart: *eyeing bed* E-Early? The moonlight's so bright it's burning my eyes.
Beries: Oh c'mon, even you have to admit that the night is ALWAYS young...

Screencap 2

Yuuri: As the 27th Maou, I now bestow upon you this plot of arable land as well as the role of a farmer taking care of this land. *hands sword* Good luck with all those weeds.
Shouri: Nightmare...beginning...

Screencap 3

Conrart: Heika, geika. Geika, heika. You two will be working together from now on as king and advisor.
Yuuri: Um, okay, but Conrad, Muraken and I go waaay back...you don't have to introduce us...in this awfully...suspicious room draped in pink...
Murata(thinking): Drat, Lord von Bielefeld will not be happy to hear that.


starrose17 August 1 2009, 17:10:13 UTC
Weeds LOL Poor Shori!


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