Week 65 winners

Jul 11, 2009 22:29

The polls are closed and the results are in!

The winner of screencap 1 with 8 to 6 votes is

2nd place: disownmereturns

Anissina proceeded to closely study Gwendal's facepalm to collect research data for her newest invention.

3rd place:

Anissina: My inventions are not worthless!! Why, if I could produce a list of good points about my inventions, I would show it to you, but since there's no paper I shall simply tell you all about how great and marvelous my inventions are! First off... *blabbers and blabbers and blabbers*
Gwendal(thinking): Shit, this is going to go on for the next few decades of my life...

Mod Entries


Anissina: "I TOLD you a giant 50 foot teddy bear wouldn't scare away the opposing armies! Not everyone is affected by cuteness the way you are."


Anissina: Honestly, Gwendal! You couldn't even make the effort to dress up for National Pink Day! Everything's just "too much of an effort" for you, isn't it?!
Gwendal: Goddamn it, Anissina...these are the only clothes I have...

The winner of screencap 2 with a close 8 to 7 votes is:

2nd place: vanessasquest

Yozak: And if I just pull this string he'll start yelling and shooting fire about how much of a slouch boyo is. Isn't it great?
Doll!Wolfram: RAWR! You cheater! You wimp!
Lady Flynn: ...I somehow doubt there's a market for this.
Conrad: You'd be surprised, we passed a convention center earlier today and sold all but this one model... they said they wanted to see his heated gaze or else it's no good.
Lady Flynn: *Sweatdrops*
Doll!Wolfram: COME BACK HERE YOU LOUSE! Blerghhhh I feel seasick.

3rd place: disownmereturns

Wolfram was not impressed with Yuuri's cosplay. Not. Impressed.

Mod Entries


Unfortunately for everyone on set, the day Wolfram decided to direct an episode didn't go very smoothly when every 3 seconds he was interrupting them as everything that everybody ever did was not what he envisioned.

Wolfram: "You two aren't putting any EFFORT into this! And you! Flurin! This isn't even your scene, come back when the make-out scene is over!"


Wolfram: What, a woman? Oh sure, this is EXACTLY what this show needs...a woman to break up the wonderful man lovin' moments. I will not stand for this, I tell you!

The winner of screencap 3 with 12 to 3 votes is:

2nd place:eirinalola

Conrad: Please, Gunter, help the elopers. If Wolfram finds out I took Yuuri with me, he's going to kill me.
Gunter: Already, you have Adalbert hunting you everywhere, now it's your own brother. Maybe you should stop this habit of stealing people's lovers. * thinks about Julia *

3rd place: vanessasquest

With a knowing glance past between them, the two advisors knew it was the ideal time to ravage Yuri in the Courtyard with the Strap-on.
Yuri: ...Oh sweet Shinou-- THIS is Mazoku Clue?! That's it... Greta... from now on you're only allowed to play Pretty-Pretty-Mazoku Princess.

Mod Entries


Conrad: "So, have you completed the mission Gunter?"
Gunter: "Yes, the new weapon of mass destruction has been hidden where no one will ever find it."
Yuuri: (walking up behind them) "Um, guys? There's something very long and hard under my bed that keeps on making these weird vibrating sounds..."
Conrad: ".....you hid it under Yuuri's bed?!"
Gunter: (blush) "Ummm.......that isn't the weapon........"


Yuuri: Uh, Gunter...what's the deal with that eye behind your hair? Why is it even visible?
Conrad: Well, as I'm sure you're well aware, Gunter has a startling resemblance to Pegasus from Yu-Gi-Oh...so, the animators had to reassure the audience that Pegasus wasn't cameo-ing by proving that there wasn't a Millennium Eye hidden behind his hair...
Gunter (thinking): If only I had one...if only I could listen to every thought of his Majesty! Ohhh~!


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