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Newbie wants to play too! daisychain0 July 11 2009, 15:06:56 UTC
Screencap 1

Waltorana: Do you have any idea how hurt I am that my own nephew would make such slanderous accusations of-
Wolfram: Oh, give it up, Uncle! I've seen pictures from when you were younger and your nose looked nothing like that. Who are you trying to fool?

(note: I'm new to this, did anyone get this? It felt a bit vague to me but I couldn't come up with anything better)

Screencap 2

Murata: Ok, so Shibuya and I did as you asked and shrunk all of Gwendal's underwear. Can we go now?
Wolfram: Good. Now we just have to release these bees into his office and the plan will be complete.
Conrad: Hey, Wolf. I was thinking, aren't we getting a little old for this? It was funny when we were kids and all, but now it's just mean, don't you think?
Wolfram: No! Don't say stupid things! Now help me get this window open and prepare to run.

Screencap 3

Murata: Shibuya, are you sure you're ok? I think I saw blood.
Yuuri: What? No, I'm fine. I'm great. I mean, what kind of king would be stupid enough to stab himself in the shoulder, haha. I just have to, erm, rest here for a moment. *passes out*


Re: Newbie wants to play too! starrose17 July 11 2009, 16:32:30 UTC
Welcome to the comm! XD And especially with those wonderful caps you'll do brilliantly! XD And yes i do get your caption 1 LOL


Re: Newbie wants to play too! vanessasquest July 15 2009, 16:04:06 UTC
I can't help but think f a novel reference in SC3. XD (No, in the novel he doesn't stab himself in the shoulder... he has help. No more spoilers from me though.)


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