Week 65 Screencaps

Jul 04, 2009 18:57

And a happy 4th July to all you American's out there! ^_^

Week 65 screencaps )

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vanessasquest July 6 2009, 10:33:09 UTC

Gwendel: That was the WORST rendition of the Little Mermaid EVER.
Anissina: Well you're HARDLY some dashing prince, yourself!


Anissina: What do you MEAN you 'lost the ring'?! I *knew* I should have made you where Keep-Track-of-Things-kun for such an important event! My debute as a flower-girl is ruined! Your mother only gets married for a third time ONCE you know!


Gwendel checked to see if he had a fever after Anissina gave him a tempered glare, after all, who knew what horrible things she invented when left alone all weekend, this time she might even have perfected a way to torture Gwendel further than just using her presence, say, with laser-eye-beams or something.


Conrad, off screen: Mother wants to know how your date is going, and how far... she also suggested I bring condoms just in case... she said something about not wanting to be a grandmother for a while longer...
Gwendel: *Face-Palms*
Anissina: ...
Gwendel: ...Please don't kill me.
Anissina: Oh, *I* won't... but death-death-destruction-kun might.


Wolfram: I'm a little tea-pot short and stout... here is my handle... here is my--
Lady Flynn: ...Oh, little brothers are always so cute! ...So, what did he do to deserve this torture?
Conrad: I found him playing with mother's make-up.
Yozak: Don't worry, Wolfram, every little boy eventually becomes curious about such things, I remember when I was your age I did the exact same thing...
Conrad: ...I never went through that phase. Neither did Gwendel. Now keep singing, girly-boy.


Wolfram: I am *not* short, you three are just garrishly tall...
Lady Flynn: Actually, I'm average height for a woman.
Conrad: And I'm shorter than Gwendel and Gunter.
Yozak: Oh don't feel bad, short stature is just a sign of your qualifications to be an uke. *Pinches Conrad's ass*
Conrad, slapping Yozak's hand away: Stop that!


Wolfram: Can you do something about this? They've been flirting all day.


Yozak carefully slipped the bribe to Conrad to look the other way before proceeding to steal Lady Flynn's newest silk gown. He was glad Wolfram was too oblivious to need a bribe, because buying Conrad's silence was expensive.


Yozak: And if I just pull this string he'll start yelling and shooting fire about how much of a slouch boyo is. Isn't it great?
Doll!Wolfram: RAWR! You cheater! You wimp!
Lady Flynn: ...I somehow doubt there's a market for this.
Conrad: You'd be surprised, we passed a convention center earlier today and sold all but this one model... they said they wanted to see his heated gaze or else it's no good.
Lady Flynn: *Sweatdrops*
Doll!Wolfram: COME BACK HERE YOU LOUSE! Blerghhhh I feel seasick.


Yuri had made Conrad and Gunter proud after perfecting his "Don't hurt me I'm fluffy and adorable" look.


Yuri: Please, Gunter, pretty please... can you just let Conrad and I off the hook just this once... we didn't *mean* to get caught having wild sex in the middle of the dance floor at the party...
Gunter: Oh, heika, I too was young once. I forgive you...
Conrad, thinking: Works *every* time.


With a knowing glance past between them, the two advisors knew it was the ideal time to ravage Yuri in the Courtyard with the Strap-on.

Yuri: ...Oh sweet Shinou-- THIS is Mazoku Clue?! That's it... Greta... from now on you're only allowed to play Pretty-Pretty-Mazoku Princess.


As the three men walked past a streaking Shinou, each had their own unique reaction. For Yuri, it was surprise, to Conrad is was bemusement, and for Gunter it was the need for a new pair of underwear.


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