Week 64 polls

Jul 02, 2009 20:37

Again sorry they're late but here are the polls! They will close on Sunday instead of Saturday.

Screencap 1

The top 3 are:


Yuuri: I'm melting! I'm MELT- wait... I'm not...
Shori: *sigh* I always told you that wasn't real!
Yuuri: HEY- I got sent to magical world just like Dorothy! Anything is possible!
Shori & Murata: *sigh and rolls eyes*


Despite Yuri's attempts to flirt to win points at the wet-t-shirt contest, the three double blacks lost horribly to the three-brother team who at least wore white to the event.


THUMP -The door is quickly closed-
Yuuri, breathless and terrified: Are we safe now?
Murata, takes a deep breath and listens carefully: I think so... I believe we lost them on the run...
Shouri: Humph, I wouldn't be so sure of that. Those crazy fangirls don't give up so easily. *sighs* Well, what're you waiting for? Give me a hand moving these barrels so we can block that door!

Poll Week 64-1

Screencap 2

The top 3 are:


As Conrad looked in Yuuri's eyes, trying to impress the importance of his unwavering loyalty, neither of them noticed the atomic explosion behind them that would sweep through the halls and eliminate everything.


Even Shin Makoku was feeling the effects of Global Warming.


Yuuri: That yellow backdrop so does not match my outfit today.
Conrart: They must've used paint fill again...

Poll Week 64-2

Screencap 3

The top 3 are:


King Bob: "And that's why the Shin Makoku Navy wants YOU! Somebody move Gunter, he's ruining the butchness of my commercial."


Bob: Up there! The island up ahead! I SEE THEM.
Yuuri(thinking): Wow, if this is how Bob plays Hide and Seek, not even Yozak will be able to hide...


Murata: Bob-san, that's the wrong finger... it's supposed to be the MIDDLE finger that we want to show to the people who cancelled season 4.
Bob: Damn this language barrier! *Sobs*

Poll Week 64-3


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