Week 63 winners

Jun 27, 2009 18:02

The polls are closed and the results are in!

The winner for screencap 1 with 8 to 4 votes is:

2nd place: dandeliondragon

Aldelbert: Are you fucking kidding me?! This marionette doesn't even remotely look like Yuuri! And what is up with the ridiculous hat?!
Murata: Well I'd like to see you do better!!!

3rd place: rynankh

Murata: Hey, let him go! what do you think you're doing?!
Adelbert: *gritted-teeth* He.Grabbed.My.Ass
Yuuri: *nervous* errh... it was an accident...?

Mod Entries


Murata: *gasp* "Shibuya!! What are you saying??!"
Adalbert: "You better revoke your new law about keeping your hair it's original colour brat, I plan on dying it pink next week for the Shin Makoku Gay Pride parade."
Yuuri: *too shocked to think*


Adelbert: Hey you! Where'd you get those stylish sunglasses?! I must know immediately!
Murata: Damn it, Shibuya! Why doesn't anyone notest MY delicious sense of style...?!
Yuuri: Wha-? But I'm not making a fashion statement...I'm trying to sneak into human territory undetected...what is this?! An ambush?!

The winner for screencap 2 with 9 to 6 votes is:

2nd place: vanessasquest

Gwendel was often one to dislike babysitting, but as Greta could easily be confused for one of his stuffed animals, he didn't seem to mind.

3rd place: ryankh

Greta: Ooh! your chair is so comfy Gwendal~!
Gwendal, thinking: *grumbling* if it wasn't, I wouldn't endure having to seat for 15 hours straight on that damn chair...

Mod Entries


Gwendal: *watching the mass of dust coming towards them from the nearing blood-thirsty armies of every country* *turns to Greta* "You said you wanted to invite the leaders to your birthday party. You sent out spam mail didn't you?"
Greta: *evil grin*


Greta: Gwen, when I grow up, I wanna be just like my papa, Yuuri! He works so hard! And I'm gonna sit right here and spend hours working just like him!
Gwendal: *twitch* Or wasting time just like him...and then handing on your work to his next-in-command...and then playing baseball in the fields with the next-in-command's useless stepbrother...*Mutter*
Greta: La la la la~! *not listening*

The winner for screencap 3 with a run away 13 votes to a draw of 1, is:

2nd & 3rd place draw:


Conrad: *thinking* If my arm suddenly went numb, my sword would take Wolfram's head off....


It was a mystery to Yuri about WHERE they had hidden the swords, or how they got them past airport security, but he did have to admit it was rather convenient that they had after the fan-girls hijacked the flight.

Mod Entries


Entering the Math class in The School for Yaoi Fangirls.
Teacher: "Here we have one bishonen, when we add 2 more bishonen, what do we have?"
Fangirl: "A threesome?!"


Yuuri (off-screen): Oh no! It's an AU! D: The horror!


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