Week 63 Polls

Jun 24, 2009 18:06

Captions are closed and the polls are up!

Screencap 1

The top 3 are:


Murata: Hey, let him go! what do you think you're doing?!
Adelbert: *gritted-teeth* He.Grabbed.My.Ass
Yuuri: *nervous* errh... it was an accident...?


And thus Yuri learned NOT to tell stupid-blond jokes in front of blonds with violent tendencies, swords, and magical powers.


Aldelbert: Are you fucking kidding me?! This marionette doesn't even remotely look like Yuuri! And what is up with the ridiculous hat?!
Murata: Well I'd like to see you do better!!!

Poll Week 63-1

Screencap 2

The top 3 are:


Suspiciously enough, Yuuri and Wolfram passed away under very sudden and mysterious circumstances and with no other heir, Greta took the throne.
Greta: They laughed at first when I suggested to paint the castle pink, BUT WHO IS LAUGHING NOW?! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Gwendal: ...These are pink times in Shin Makoku...


Greta: Ooh! your chair is so comfy Gwendal~!
Gwendal, thinking: *grumbling* if it wasn't, I wouldn't endure having to seat for 15 hours straight on that damn chair...


Gwendel was often one to dislike babysitting, but as Greta could easily be confused for one of his stuffed animals, he didn't seem to mind.

Poll Week 63-2

Screencap 3

The top 3 are:


Once upon a time, there were three very different little boys...who grew up to be three very different men. But they have three things in common: They're brilliant, they're beautiful, and they work for me. My name is Yuuri. (Kyo Kara Maoh, Charlie's Angels style).


Conrad: *thinking* If my arm suddenly went numb, my sword would take Wolfram's head off....


It was a mystery to Yuri about WHERE they had hidden the swords, or how they got them past airport security, but he did have to admit it was rather convenient that they had after the fan-girls hijacked the flight.

Poll Week 63-3

And congrats to vanessasquest for getting into all 3 polls!


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