Week 61 Screencaps

Jun 06, 2009 00:06


Week 61 screencaps! )

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tsugi_no_touji June 6 2009, 13:04:13 UTC
Screencap 1 Ver. 1

Yuuri: Why didn't you tell me you two were getting married!?
Gunter: Heika...I didn't want to taint your pure heart by telling you that I am with Gwendal's child.
Yuuri: ...Wait, so mazoku men CAN get pregnant!?
Wolfram: Useless wimp.

Screencap 1 Ver. 2

Yuuri: What do you mean, you wanna get married on the same day as Wolfram and me? It's not fair to us, you...you selfish advisors!
Wolfram: Adults are just so stingy...

Screencap 2 Ver. 1

Wolfram: I knew I would win the Most Popular Bishounen contest.
Gwen + Mura: *glare*

Screencap 2 Ver. 2

Introducing Shin Makoku's very own face paint contest - where everyone in the kingdom dolls themselves up with face paint to make themselves look ridiculous. Wolfram gone and won it all as he was the only creative one using pink paint to tint his cheeks, winning the judges over completely.
Gwen + Mura: ...Cheater.

Screencap 3

Wolfram: You might wanna take it easy, Conrart. Giving birth doesn't take only five minutes, y'know.
Conrart: I can't help it, heika...it doesn't help knowing that the one in there is Yozak instead of me.
Shouri: What's so bad about that?
Conrart: ...Yozak's the one topping most of the time...
Yuuri: *stares intently*


starrose17 June 6 2009, 16:46:57 UTC
Love your sc2 v1 XD


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