Week 59 results

May 30, 2009 21:35

Polls are closed and the results are in!

The winner of screencap 1 with 7 to 5 votes is:

2nd place: vanessasquest

Yuri: So can I keep a pet Kohi in the castle, Gunter? I promise to clean up after it... Gunter: No, no, no... heika, you must DEMAND to have one and make the maids clean after it... Wolfram: Seriously, you don't know the first thing about being a demon OR a king... let alone THE demon king. Conrad, thinking: I hope he wanted a boy kohi... *Kohi neatly in Yuri's room waiting*

3rd place: sea_queen1

Yuuri: You really mean the engagement is invalid because I was underage?! Wolfram: Hmph, you shouldn't have told him that... Conrad(thinking): Yuuri will be mine!

Mod Entries


As Yuuri excitingly discussed with Gunter and Wolfram about setting up one of the northern uninhabited Islands as his Shin Makoku Baseball head-quarters, Conrad didn't have the heart to tell him the title of the Island had been crossed out on the map and "someone" had written above it, "Cheri's Love Island."


Yuuri: To be honest, I think that goofball in charge of Big Shimaron just needs a good friend! That'll be certain to cheer him up! Right, Wolfram? Wolfram: No, Yuuri. No. Yuuri: Anyway, I'm proposing that we make some sort of peace offering! Ooh, ooh, I know! Let's draw him a pretty picture! Gunter: *speechless* Conrad: (thinking) I guess it's time for another "We're going to war, get over it" talk...

The winner of screencap 2 with 7 to 6 votes is:

2nd place: sea_queen1

Murata: Mama-san, I really don't mean to interrupt, but these slippers are too manly for this apron...

3rd place: vanessasquest

Ken: Look Mama-- no underwear! Miko, shooting off photos after materializing a camera from who the hell knows where: Darn it-- but you're wearing PANTS! Ken: Tee-hee!

Mod Entries


Murata, thinking: 'Hmmm, I'm still in my clothes. I guess when she said she wanted me to dress up in an apron I can blame Christine's profession for making me automatically think she wanted me to ONLY wear an apron. Ahh now that was a fun life....'


It was not uncommon in the world of KKM to have both Jennifer's camera and Murata flash simultaneously.

The winner of screencap 3 with 7 to 3 votes is:

2nd place: amarissia

After so much of Jennifer's curry, this was bound to happen. Conrad: *out of sight* "Over here, Yozak! I found a bathroom!" Yozak: "It better have three empty stalls, or we're about to have a serious mess over here."

3rd place: sea_queen1

Yozak: If we all focus we can move that giant boulder with our minds! Do it now!

Mod Entries


Yozak: "Close your eyes! Quickly! Don't look into the light! If the fangirl "Cute bishonen tractor beam" catches you you'll be pulled into their claws within a matter of seconds!"


Yuuri: Come on, guys! We can do it! If we concentrate hard enough, our combined psychic energies will convince the enemy to leave us alone and live peacefully! Yozak: Okay, well...while you do that, I'm just gonna go stab them...


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