Week 56 Winners

May 09, 2009 22:27

Polls are closed and the results are in!

The winner for screencap 1 with 9 to 4 votes is:

2nd place: seamusog

Shori: So I was thinking of stripping for old ladies at the community center, I thought this would give me a touch of 'elderly'. And hey, look, extra places to put the dollar bills.

3rd place: vanessasquest

Shori: And *THIS* is how you avoid losing your underwear, Yuri, by sewing your name into them!
Yuri: Uh... doesn't that say Conrad...?
Shori: O_o Damn it!

Mod Entries

starrose17 - sorry, brain dead for this one this week :)


Shouri: Hey, don't you judge me - You're the one wearing the g-string, pal.

The winner for screencap 2 wih a close 6 to 5 votes is:

2nd place: vanessasquest

Yuri, five minutes before: ...Cheri-san, is... that a gray hair?
And thus the inhabitants of Covenant Castle learned NEVER to question Cheri's blond hair again.

3rd place: disownmereturns

Cheri: *scandalized* Shinou wasn't satisfied?!
Yuuri: He's throwing us out the window one by one unless we give him good service!
Cheri: And I had worked hard on those knots too! ;A;

Mod Entries


Yuuri: "Umm...*gulps at sight of whip*...not that I'm doubting you or anything but...are you SURE this is the Shin Makoku version of tag?"


Yuuri (thinking): Whoa! I seriously hope this obsession with whips isn't genetic! O_O

The winner for screencap 3 with a close 9 to 5 votes is:

2nd place:

Beries: I'm here for the threesome. And... *looks with caution* it seems that I have stepped into the wrong room.
Murata: Darn right you have! And Lord Weller was about to showcase his sword, too! Way to ruin the sword-brandishing moment.

3rd place: seamusog

Beries: Conrad, you will never win against me. Clearly, I am the ultimate Seme here.
Conrad: Actually, I wasn't going to fight you. I was about to duel His Eminence to see who would be your Uke.

Mod Entries


Conrad: "So Shinou-heika was telling you he was going to be reincarnated?"
Murata: "Yeah, he's decided to move on and to be reincarnated just once for a new life. I wonder what he's going to look lik-"
*door opens*
Murata: "..................please God tell me your Shinou!"


Murata: What kind of OT3 is this?!
Conrad: Our fandom is definitely running out of ideas...


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