Week 50 screencaps are here!

Mar 21, 2009 00:00

Week 49 results posted later, but here are the week 50 screencaps as chosen by 3 LJers for this special week!

Week 50 screencaps! )

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seamusog March 21 2009, 01:35:07 UTC
Screencacap 1

At the Shin Makoku Derby
Announcer: Plain Brown Soldier is neck and neck with Sexy Muscle Girl. But Black Demon King is right behind their heels. And he's pulling away. Black Demon King is now on the lead. Plain Brown Soldier and Sexy Muscle Girl left behind in his dust. Black Demon King is now in the straight-away... AND Jealous Pretty Boy just overtakes him from nowhere. The crowd is going wild! Jealous Pretty Boy just took the derby away from Black Demon King! This race will go down in Shin Makoku history.

After running around like crazy, generally ignoring customers and yelling at each other, Wolfram and Yuuri were fired for being the worst cigarette girls in the history of Shin Makoku casino.

Yuuri: *huff* *huff* ...this is the stupidest marathon ever.
Wolfram: Hah, you're just saying that because I'm beating you and I have two boxes of manjuu. Admit it, you're just a wimp!

In a Shin Makoku Geographic educational show
Narrator: And here we see the secret ritual of demon courtship. One partner chases the other party for shares of manjuu while the rest of the herd watch in suspense and bellow encouragement to the chaser. Once the couple runs the requisite number of laps around the herd's territory, the next step in the courtship would commence which involves a few years of verbal sparring to establish dominance. Once dominance is established, the demons would mate for life.

Screencap 2

Conrad (looking at the tag on Yuuri's shirt): I knew it! Those pajamas are made in The Philippines.

Twilight - the lost chapters
Conrad looked at Yuuri's delicious neck and almost lost to his intense desire to sink his teeth into the pure innocent skin of this clumsy but winsome high school boy. But he could not, would not give in to those filthy thoughts. How can he even think of defiling such a wondrous creature? If only Yuuri could see his unclean and black soul, instead of being fascinated with Conrad's incandescent and sparkly beauty.

Screencap 3

Murata: If I were gay, I'd yell HURRAY!

Murata: The hills are alive...
Yuuri: There are no hills around here.
Murata: The seas are alive with the sound of music!

Murata: Am I regimental? I'm glad you asked! Say hello to my buttcheeks!
Yuuri: Uh... hel...lo?

Murata: I feel so free!
Yuuri: Maybe, it's because you forgot to put pants and underwear on.

Murata: I feel pretty, Oh so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and gay!

Murata: Shibuya, I love you thiiiiiis much.
Yuuri: Yeah, I can definitely see that.


starrose17 March 22 2009, 15:23:22 UTC
Sparkly Conrad, oh my god LOL The image!!


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