Apr 03, 2004 20:19
hey guys. today was pretttty eventful. first i cleaned my room but who cares about that hah. ok so then allieSON comes and we pick up the debster to get g/a passes. o god haha of course im like chewing my gum, not looking, and cracking up as the guy takes my picture. o yea it also looks like i have no teeth *its a sexy pic... anyway. we went on medussa nitro and scream machine n noticed that this realllly hott guy was like goin everywhere we went haha yo this kid was incredibleee* and i loved his shirt haha girls. it was pretty cold at the park tho so we left early-ish. dropped debs off and me al and nicole went tanning. ahah poor nicole got burned.i gotta go back there like 5 more times so thats prob wat me n al will b doin all spring break haha. after tanning we got our nails done and i finally got a color that i dont hate hahah. mmm after nails the fam n al went out to din din. o boy that was an experience. hahah allie.. interpretive dancing OH YEAH. after dinner came back here and chilled for a bitt.. now im bored cuz theres no one here haha.
this week should b pretty fun, tomorrow im probably going shopping with debbie and looking at options for the new house =].. then on monday me deb chel al drew andrew n matttt r all comin to my place.. that will definitely be fun. then anything past monday i have no idea what im doing, with the exception of finishing my holocaust book which is super sad and doing my project on it
wooooow ok this was a long entry haha mm im going to take a shower or sumthin =]
love you...