so, by huge request from tiffffffffany, im posting MORE pictures. i realllly love school when all i do is sit in class, goof off and take TONS of pictures.
i need a bigger memory card!
if you read this,
you must post a memory of me.
it can be anything you want,
it can be good or bad,
just so long as it happened.
then post this to your journal.
see what people remember about you...
Morning: before homeroom:
Candy ass!
the lovely Tiffany, and KT making a funny face in the background. haha
2nd Period:
Adam is sucha pimp! haha
the ever hott james. hahaha nice face huh?
hottttt mama! haha i love devito!
James trying to be a gangsta. Doesnt work to well for him. haha
haha i LOVE this picture of johnathan.
hahaha morgan is totally in the KKK, but i have a better picture of her in her KKK hood on my phone :)
5th period:
i suprised me-lissa with the jackie cam!!! JACK ATTTTTACK! hha
paul was in the theatre during my class, so i attacked him too!
i think my reaction to this pose was "WOOOWOOO! Hott papa!" haha, james is such a goof.
ryan fell on the floor from laughing so hard. he was BRIGHT red in the face. it was priceless.