hypocrisy and narcissism rock my world
March 20 2006, 01:03:36 UTC
hahahhaah this has absolutely nothing to do with you in the slightest form possible, narcissist. but we're all honored to hear your enlightening two cents. Thanks, God.
and I feel you mildly ruined my childhood (and a few other less-cooler-than-you unfortunates) when I NEVER did anything shitty to you ever, except copy your oh so original bracelet fashion in 7th grade, and you had to constantly tear us all down, saying terrible things that can scar a thirteen year old. So this whole, "Why does everybody have to be so meeeaan to eachother??" bullshit can stop. and I see that you are still the egotistical hypocritical self-absorbed self-proclamed oracle that loves hurting people for no reason, loves commenting on livejournal with a confident, "peace out bitches," loves getting involved in shit that you, yourself even say you have no idea what it is about.. We will do what we want. We don't need your advice about what to do with our lives. Maybe we all don't want to move to New York and be models. Maybe some of us are just fine being ourselves and having real friends. I understand you have thousands of people that are obsessed with you, but Kasey and I aren't two of them, so we really don't care what your elite opinion of our Henderson drama is. Now go ahead, tear me down some more, tell me how I wish I was you because I hate my own life, tell me how I am a failure and anything else you think will get me to cry, because you know me so well. take your own advice and get off the internet.
Re: hypocrisy and narcissism rock my worldiideal_ideologyMarch 20 2006, 06:17:00 UTC
oh ya that was me, you knew that, I keep forgetting to log in! :-P I'm sthooo silly! ya I'm really over Jr. high, I just wanted to give kasey the drama entry she wanted. Doesn't kasey rule? She calls me every morning to wake me up for school, she's my little machine, my robot servant, if you will. keep rawking the big apple!
Re: hypocrisy and narcissism rock my worldbattleofbalanceMarch 20 2006, 18:55:19 UTC
oh cool since it's allllll cleared up that it was you i can now say this:
you're a very smart girl courtney, and i mean it... so quit being so fucking dumb.
p.s. 7th grade and being 13 was what? 7 years ago? yea.. let's hope youre over that especially since most of it was made up- and for the record it wasnt about the totally awesome bracelets it was about your lacking ability to think for yourself. sorry... weak minded people just aren't my thing i guess. but it's ok.. we're all still young and there is still time for change. use your brains darling i know youve got them somewhere. <3
oh oh one more thing.. in my defense- if you guys had real friends they would stick up for you in these situations too so thats why i made it my business. like i said.. when you put something publicly on the internet it becomes anyones business and open for judgment from anyone so when someone does something directly just to hurt you and puts it up for people to see i really am hoping that you have a friend out there somewhere that won't be too scared to speak up for you... even if it's over the fucking live journal.
sorry the drama didnt come from the person you were hoping it would come from but looks like shes a bigger person than both of us and doesnt have to start shit.
Re: hypocrisy and narcissism rock my worldgaylikefoxMarch 20 2006, 19:27:51 UTC
Trisha started all the drama. I wish i could show you the things she said to me and others. In my opinion though it was over then. Trisha is moving and we arent gonna see eachother anymore. I just think this whole thing should just leave with her because it really is so petty. None of this will matter in a couple years or even months and i dont know why this making a problem between anyone. I really do not waste my time thinking up revenge plots and I really highly doubt anyone else is doing that also because its just silly. why not just leave all the personal stuff out of this and just take it as what it is, a livejournal entry...
wayyyy over dramatized.battleofbalanceMarch 20 2006, 22:19:33 UTC
k looks like i didnt have enough just yet and im back for one more. this is the last thing i have to say about any of this retarded ass drama... QUIT POINTING FINGERS did any of you ever think that for maybe once in your life it wasnt everyone elses fault? you all play your own parts.. it takes more than one person to fuck things up like.. 99% of the time. why are people so fuckin sad that they cant even think that maybe they did something wrong for a second? its my fault i stuck my nose in this.. it's my fault i keep coming back to comment like a childish retard and its my fault that i could care less for courtney and i apparently ruined her childhood... im ok with that. sorry. if you guys arent enough of grown ups to face the facts and move on then whatever.. i dont have to deal with any of you anyways.. thats the beauty of there being a world outside of las vegas. you guys should check it out. and yea derek this is just a live journal entry but this is your guys' lives. reality check.. look at how petty ANY of this is. on ANY of our parts.. its so lame that limp bizkit even knows whats up..."its the he said she said bullshit"... its her fault but its his fault blah blah blah. seriously. bullshit. its done. whatever happened happened... quit being such assholes to each other every heart bleeds and everyone has feelings... even the stupid petty shit that happens can hurt.
courtney sorry for whatever i did to hurt your feelings 7 years ago or today or yesterday or whenever... get your shit together and maybe ill have some respect for you. everyone deserves respect from others but most importantly you should respect yourself. and if you do.. awesome.
kasey i dont really care like i said im just surprised.. im sorry if trisha has not been nice to you or whatever the deal there is i dont know what is up with that. but looks like we blew up your lj and you got the drama you wanted. congrats. oh and thank you for the entertainment. i needed something juicy to pass the time before my sister got here.
derek as quick as you are to blame trisha think about her in your place as well. im sure you guys play equal parts so consider that. hopefully you guys can talk to each other again someday because at one point you both were making each other so happy. remember?
any of you can talk as much shit as you want and blame anything you want on me.. thats cool too. i reallly dont care. soo yea.
for reals this time.. peace the fuck out. -God.. oh whoops i mean Amanda.
Re: wayyyy over dramatized.gaylikefoxMarch 21 2006, 17:41:20 UTC
blame trisha? eh i think maybe you dont know what is going on or trisha just gave u a trisha version of what happened but i dont really even understand how any of this concerns you in the least bit. Im not blaming anyone for anything im just saying that this is not even a big deal and who the hell cares. Nobody has to look at these pictures if they want they can go to the upper right hand corner of the page and click on the x and this all goes away. i dont understand why u said a little thing about each of us. No offense but i really could honestly give a shit less about what u think because we are not friends and i dont really know you so why would u even say anything at all? Isn't there some drama where you live too? Like you tell me im so quick to blame trisha and that you yyou are sure we play equal parts? wtf? who the fuck are you? u really have no idea what u are even talking about this has nothing to do with you and i really dont appreciate the things u said because i was always kind to you and showed you respect and i dont understand why you would turn around and talk about me and the things i do like that. Why would you come into this and speak and form opinions on this out of total ignorance? wtf do u know about anything that went on? nothing so please just keep your opinions to yourself because you have no place to talk...
Re: hypocrisy and narcissism rock my worldkkkaseyMarch 20 2006, 21:00:34 UTC
I knew when I made this that you would be the one person really mad at me over it, Amanda. And I should have cleared this up before it all started. This has nothing to do with me besides the fact that I bought a crappy disposable camera and took the pictures off my camera and put them on my journal. And, yes, it is pretty childish on all our parts. But, these are my friends and if they want to act like assholes ill accept that. I would have never agreed to host the pictures on my journal except for the fact that Trisha has never once met me and has been extremly rude to me on several occasions just because I was freinds with Derek and Courtney. This entry wasnt meant to ruin any fragment of a friendship you and I might have had, I just wanted to post some pictures. I hope you can take this like "I love Kasey but, in my opinion that was wrong of her" and not "Fuck that bitch Kasey shes 4ft tall and smells like pork."
Courtney, Im really upset that no one has called you a whore or threatened to kill you yet. FUCK YOU, SLUT. ILL KILL YOU! ILL PUT A GRENADE IN YOUR IPOD AND SET IT SO IT BLOWS UP RIGHT WHEN CONOR OBERST SAYS "Im a god damn hypocrit." BITCH.
Re: hypocrisy and narcissism rock my worldiideal_ideologyMarch 21 2006, 00:53:30 UTC
hahhahhaaaaaa that's what I've been waiting for, woman! WHY CAN'T everyone just shutupppp and let us be sluts??? how does it affect their life 50 states away?????? LUXURY PROBLEM. I love you kasey but brenden was right about that pork thing, I'm sorry. Hey how's yours and Bob's relationship going? hhahahahaha I love you my other let's go to the other side together.
Re: hypocrisy and narcissism rock my worldiideal_ideologyMarch 21 2006, 01:20:10 UTC
I liked our last LJ fight better. Amanda? could if I would might be able to ask you? How do you think you know that I do not have "my shit together"? I know I do not live in New York and I'm not beautiful, but do you really know me well enough to assume I do not have my shit together? I feel very content with my life right now for my age. I am a nineteen year old successful accountant managing 4 golf courses in the Las Vegas valley, I have a house and a big back yard and good friends, I have fun and I am happy. I do have much respect for myself, I've done this all on my own, I don't have any financial support, I am making my own living and still earning a higher education. I'm just honestly confused because you always say that, that I don't have respect for myself and my shit is not together. If I am happy isn't that enough? I am just wondering where you feel you have the authority to determine who has a respectable life and who doesn't, I know you statred hating me somewhere between 8th grade and now, because as far as I knew we were friends in jr. high, I mean we went to photomania, man. If you have always disliked me for some underlying factor, I cannot really understand that, but I think I just want to tell you that maybe I'm not the person that you think I am? through your sources of the internet, and Trisha, and whereever else you acquire information about me, considering I really haven't actually seen you or had a conversation with you in years. We are girls, and we have said some really really shitty things to eachother, but you seem to have this concrete opinion that I am a failure and you are so much better and wise and mature than me. I am just asking you, aside from all this drama, to analyze where these assumtions are coming from, and agree that maybe you don't have me all figured out? I admit I have formed a more negative opinion of you since we were, actually, "friends" in 7th grade, but that was only because you came out of nowhere hating me with this passion when really, I never did anything that I thought would make you dislike me, I really thought we were friends until you came to me and trisha's old house and called me a bitch and then she just had to explain to me that you just didn't like me. So honestly, I apologise for all this internet booooolshit, but do you see where I'm coming from? All of this sarcasm and attitude I've got? It's because I don't understand you! It is great that you have such a strong bond with trisha that you can get on here and defend her in paragraphs, but she did something to me that I was extremely hurt and confused by, and even if you might have heard her side of the story, it is my right to feel killed by it. so this, this right here, a JOURNAL ENTRY with pictures of me and my friends, is nothing compared to what she did to me, so I don't think it is productive at all for you to get on here defending her, throwing blind punches, that have nothing to do with the actual situation. I didn't fuck derek, I, being the person I am, would not be able to bring myself to do something like that. So all that I'm asking is for you to be fair here, consider the fact that you might not know me anymore, that I might pooosssibly be a good person, and accept my apology for being shitty on the internet all in good fun. I really am proud of what you've become, since 7th grade, I remember your first portfolio, not jealous amanda, not jealous, get that straight, I am very happy being me, but proud, I guess, and happy, for you. and I hope you can find it in you somewhere to realize that I am not who you think I am.
and I feel you mildly ruined my childhood (and a few other less-cooler-than-you unfortunates) when I NEVER did anything shitty to you ever, except copy your oh so original bracelet fashion in 7th grade, and you had to constantly tear us all down, saying terrible things that can scar a thirteen year old. So this whole, "Why does everybody have to be so meeeaan to eachother??" bullshit can stop. and I see that you are still the egotistical hypocritical self-absorbed self-proclamed oracle that loves hurting people for no reason, loves commenting on livejournal with a confident, "peace out bitches," loves getting involved in shit that you, yourself even say you have no idea what it is about.. We will do what we want. We don't need your advice about what to do with our lives. Maybe we all don't want to move to New York and be models. Maybe some of us are just fine being ourselves and having real friends. I understand you have thousands of people that are obsessed with you, but Kasey and I aren't two of them, so we really don't care what your elite opinion of our Henderson drama is. Now go ahead, tear me down some more, tell me how I wish I was you because I hate my own life, tell me how I am a failure and anything else you think will get me to cry, because you know me so well. take your own advice and get off the internet.
you're a very smart girl courtney, and i mean it... so quit being so fucking dumb.
p.s. 7th grade and being 13 was what? 7 years ago? yea.. let's hope youre over that especially since most of it was made up- and for the record it wasnt about the totally awesome bracelets it was about your lacking ability to think for yourself. sorry... weak minded people just aren't my thing i guess. but it's ok.. we're all still young and there is still time for change. use your brains darling i know youve got them somewhere. <3
oh oh one more thing.. in my defense- if you guys had real friends they would stick up for you in these situations too so thats why i made it my business. like i said.. when you put something publicly on the internet it becomes anyones business and open for judgment from anyone so when someone does something directly just to hurt you and puts it up for people to see i really am hoping that you have a friend out there somewhere that won't be too scared to speak up for you... even if it's over the fucking live journal.
sorry the drama didnt come from the person you were hoping it would come from but looks like shes a bigger person than both of us and doesnt have to start shit.
ok. all done. byeeee. keep rawwwking las vegas!
courtney sorry for whatever i did to hurt your feelings 7 years ago or today or yesterday or whenever... get your shit together and maybe ill have some respect for you. everyone deserves respect from others but most importantly you should respect yourself. and if you do.. awesome.
kasey i dont really care like i said im just surprised.. im sorry if trisha has not been nice to you or whatever the deal there is i dont know what is up with that. but looks like we blew up your lj and you got the drama you wanted. congrats. oh and thank you for the entertainment. i needed something juicy to pass the time before my sister got here.
derek as quick as you are to blame trisha think about her in your place as well. im sure you guys play equal parts so consider that. hopefully you guys can talk to each other again someday because at one point you both were making each other so happy. remember?
any of you can talk as much shit as you want and blame anything you want on me.. thats cool too. i reallly dont care. soo yea.
for reals this time.. peace the fuck out.
-God.. oh whoops i mean Amanda.
Courtney, Im really upset that no one has called you a whore or threatened to kill you yet. FUCK YOU, SLUT. ILL KILL YOU! ILL PUT A GRENADE IN YOUR IPOD AND SET IT SO IT BLOWS UP RIGHT WHEN CONOR OBERST SAYS "Im a god damn hypocrit." BITCH.
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