Mar 30, 2009 14:56

Hi guys,
I'm new at this so if something goes horribly wrong please let me know about it! But on the plus side, I come bearing fic! I got this from the prompt "gentle" by newtypeshadow

Name: Gentle
Pairing: Harry/Perry
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 902
Prompt: Maybe gentle sex is a gay thing, because Harry never pictured sex with Perry to be gentle, but all the same Harry likes the times Perry comes to bed and fucks him like he's breakable and soft.
Notes: It's kind of angsty fluff I suppose with absolutely no plot and gratuitous p0rn. Written hastily and un-beta'd so let me know about any mistakes.

Maybe gentle sex is a gay thing, because Harry never pictured sex with Perry to be gentle, but all the same Harry likes the times Perry comes to bed and fucks him like he's breakable and soft. Unsurprisingly these tender moments are few and far between and really only occur when Harry has had a near death experience.

At exactly 1:45 pm today, Harry nearly died.

Tonight, Perry slides quietly into the bed behind him and gathers him up in his arms, one under and around his rib cage the other thrown over his waist to cradle his hip. Harry feels himself pulled back against Perry’s broad chest before he’s even really awake and his lovers warm breath on his neck welcomes him back to consciousness. The small tremors that have been wracking his frame all day slowly subside as Perry’s warmth permeates his sore muscles and the steady rising and falling of his chest soothes him.

“I thought I’d lost you today.” whispers Perry softly, quietly, against his neck. Harry hates how broken he sounds, and hates that he is the cause of it. Wither directly or indirectly it doesn’t matter, he still feels responsible. Harry has only ever seen this side of Perry in these private moments, when the lights are off and the world has melted away. Harry can’t see his face but he’s pretty sure that Perry’s eyes are shining.

“I know.” Is all he can offer in return. He had saved Perry’s life. He won’t apologise for that.

Perry sighs, the brief gust of air tickling Harry’s ear. They’ve had this argument before and it goes nowhere. Instead Perry just rubs his partner’s hip in soothing concentric circles as he places light, tender kisses all over his shoulders.

It’s Harry’s turn to sigh as the final anxieties of the day drift away, making him responsive to his lover’s ministrations. He usually doesn’t like being so submissive but Perry needs this. He needs to be open and vulnerable once in a while; reassure himself that Harry is here, is real, and is in his arms. Any exertion of control from Harry and Perry clams back up, unwilling or unable to be emotionally vulnerable.

Harry starts to harden slowly as Perry continues to delicately kiss and stroke his bruised body as though he were made of exceptionally fine china, worthy of such a man’s adoration. Harry always feels overwhelmed at the love Perry can show when his emotional barriers are down and the man is completely exposed. Sometimes he doesn’t feel worthy.

Eventually, when Harry is nearly fully hard and he can feel a reciprocal rigidity against his thigh, Perry’s hand slips back to cup his cheek, gently spreading them open. He brings his fingers up to Harry’s mouth who takes them without hesitation. Swirling his tongue around them, the way Perry likes it, he grins slightly when he hears the quite moan behind him. Too soon for Harry’s liking, the digits are removed as Perry repositions them at his tight entrance.

“Hold still.” Murmurs Perry against Harry’s ear before kissing the soft pink shell gently. Harry’s eyes flutter closed in response to his partners deep, breathy voice. All of his senses are heightened; Perry strong arm around his chest feels immovable and his breathing chest behind him is a blissful reminder that yes, they both made it out. They’re alive.

Perry’s fingers slowly breach him, loosening the taut muscle and searching for that hidden spot inside of him. Not long after, Perry adds another while massaging his prostate, shooting bolts of electricity up Harry’s spine and distracting him from the stretch. Perry slowly widens his lover’s channel, making Harry squirm in need as his arousal grows.

Eventually, Harry can’t stand it anymore and has to push himself back onto the talented fingers, trying to feel more friction as he moans wantonly. Perry chuckles next to his ear, blowing the hairs there, but Harry can feel it rumble all the way through his own ribcage.

Perry removes his fingers before positioning himself at his lover’s entrance, grinning into Harry’s coarse hair at his antics. He pushes forward slowly and steadily, gripping Harry’s hip as his other arm holds his lover securely. Once he is fully sheathed he pauses, checking his lover’s ragged breathing. Harry nods shakily, not used to this conscientious Perry but loving him so much it hurts. Perry slowly starts rocking them together, revelling in the feeling of his lover, lithe and supple against him but with his heavy cock in his hand. Harry’s world dissolves in sweat and heavy breathing until it only consists of four white walls, white Egyptian sheets and Perry.

Both men come together, as though they were two parts of a whole, and Harry thinks that this is definitely the happiest he’s ever been.

When they are done, and both are satiated and blissful, they pull apart enough for Harry to turn around. Their legs tangle by themselves when Harry kisses Perry on the lips, long and slow, and with all the love he has. He thinks he must look crazy with a giant grin on his face but it feels appropriate so he’s just going to keep going.

“Go to sleep, idiot.” Says Perry gruffly, still trying to rebuild his defences but he’s grinning too, like he can’t seem to help himself.

Yes, Harry thinks, almost dying certainly has it’s perks.
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