(no subject)

Aug 17, 2017 22:08

Hey all! I know it's been a while since this fandom has been very active, but I'm hoping there's at least a few people out there still interested in it.

I go by Tayber. I roleplay over at InsaneJournal and I'm hoping to find someone who would be interested in playing Perry to my Harry. I'm also open to Harmony or other characters, but I'd especially love to find a Perry player. I've been writing KKBB fics for going on ten years and RPing as Harry for five, so you could say I'm in it for the long haul. While I've occasionally found partners playing Perry, none of them have stuck around for very long.

I play at mostly multifandom and panfandom games on Insanejournal, but I might entertain the possibility of a PSL. My preferred ship is Harry/Perry, but I do want to make sure to honor Harry's sexuality and his love for Harmony. Besides, half the fun is writing these two idiots figure it out! I would also be willing to RP Harry/Harmony. However I am not just looking for a shipping partner, I'm also looking to develop some action and plot.

I do have a game in mind (panfandom, rebellion-against-a-regime type of plot), but again, I'm pretty open-minded when it comes to setup and specifics. If you might be interested or would like to know more, you can reach me here, or you can browse through my Harry RP journal and we can talk there too.


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