Fic: Perry/Harry (R to NC-17)

Feb 12, 2011 12:05

Title:Penalty Stroke
Author: Rat-chan
Characters/Pairing: Perry/Harry
Rating: R, pushing NC-17 (for sexual content)
Word Count: 2338
Summary: Harry never could learn to keep his mouth shut. No real plot, just a fill for a kinkmeme prompt for hallway or staircase sex.
Author's note: Apologies if the characters don't come across quite right... and if the writing isn't up to my usual standard. It's been months since I leant my KKBB DVD to a coworker (who finally watched it last week to discover how brilliant it is) as well as months since I've written them. I suppose I could've waited till I got my DVD back, but the writing mood finally returned to me, and the right, light plot to get me back into the writing game came along, so I just went with it.

OH! And I've realized that I haven't posted links to my AU WIP here. If you've missed it, there are 4 chapters so far of a prison AU I've called Pleasant Valley Blues. Chapter 1 is here.

rating: r, fic, harry/perry, pairing: perry/harry, rating: nc-17

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