Fic: Prey

May 23, 2010 19:42

If anybody missed me, I'm sorry. I've been trying my hand at some Sherlock Holmes stuff.
In any case, this is a one-shot story, but long-ish.
I'm in the *cough* pre-writing process for a couple of KKBB AU stories (loooong ones), amongst other things, so...
No, I haven't abandoned you.
And I will catch up on our newcomers' offerings.

Title: Prey
Characters: Perry, Harry (non-romantic, but you know me, there are hints)
Rating: R
Warnings: language, slight sexual content
Word count: 4536
Summary: Perry finally allows Harry to do his own surveillance work. Unfortunately, the case isn't quite what our boys think, and Harry ends up in trouble. (written for a kinkmeme prompt)
Author's Notes: I'd started writing this back in March or April, but I got sidetracked... I was kindly encouraged to finish this... so I have.

Enjoy, please!

character: harry, rating: r, fic, character: perry

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