Dec 10, 2011 21:44
The postmaster ordered us all to leave without our parcels, then come back for them after we finished delivering the regular mail. So we did. Of course, I couldn't leave early so I only finished twenty-five minutes early (due to having no parcels). Along my route, I bumped into a former carrier who recognized me well enough, though I had trouble recalling his name. He wanted to know why I didn't just take the shop steward position, but truth is, I'd rather not do such thankless work.
It was 5pm by the time I finished loading my truck and almost 7pm when I got back, 115 parcels later. Plus about twenty from earlier (small ones), for a rough total of 135. Then the acting shop steward and I discussed the sheer number of contract violations the postmaster has committed since she's taken over. I filed the necessary paperwork and discovered that my latest suspension had been successfully grieved and completely rescinded.