May 01, 2008 20:41
Watched AvP2. Was alternately bored and e_e at the blatant "homage" shots. Laughed when the blond chick got it. Laughed harder when her awkward boyfriend got upset. AvP movie won't work until some script writer makes an effort to flesh out the predator mythology so that the audience has some reason to care.
Watched Forbidden Kingdom. You know how Scary Movie isn't scary, but is a send up to various horror movies? Well, FK is a send up to American chop socky, with some anime conventions thrown in for extra fun.
Glancing intermittently at Cloverfield because "shaky cam" gives me motion sickness. It would be a great modern Godzilla movie if I could, y'know, actually watch it. Less shaky cam and way less Butler & Maid dialogue would have improved it. Edit: Less repetitive screaming of Obvious Things and a proper payoff ending rather that some vague DOOM thing that didn't even succeed at mysterious and vague so much as: why is half the movie missing? And then, we watched the making of feature and I had the final headdesk moment when they made the godzilla comparison and completely failed to realize that Godzilla persists in fandom because he is sentient with a valid motivation. The audience empathizes. The Coverfield monster was a baby? Aww, too bad the audience never learned that. Writing Trufax: If you need to explain it to the reader (afterward), you're doing it wrong.
Speaking of Butler & Maid dialogue, *points and laughs* at the hysterical, attempting to be moody and meaningful, but succeeding only in wooden and painfully cliched, as found in DC Universe #0. That sort of thing is fine when it's done on purpose, with a wink and nudge, being silly but asking you to play along (see: Forbidden Kingdom or Pasion). I get the impression it's meant to be completely serious and moving over in DC Comics. :x Ooh, do you think there'll be mutant registration act/mccarthyism a gov't crackdown on heroes, followed by kingdom come/civil war a period of self-doubt and violent conflict? Oh noes I'm... already bored.