Wow, yeah, I just had a true fandom moment because I started to write a snarkly reply that I realized I couldn't possibly send to the original commenter. It would have been a flame and I don't want to flame that one person; I want to flame everyone who thinks the incredibly stupid thing:
Pants are not butch. No, really, they're not. They haven't been, since the 1950's or so. I'll give a decade wriggle room if the belt is too tight. They can be butch, if combined with an overall masculine image, appearance or mannerisms, but, when combined with a loose, flowing, open collared very much women's suit, long styled hair, lipstick, make-up, jewelry and high heels? In the old fashioned parlay, that's femme, pants or no pants. There sure is some archaic stereotyping and cultural lag goin' on here, but it ain't necessarily by the artist.
Either that, or a lot of fans think Lois Lane is butch.
Using similar strawman logic, I hereby declare
this awesome pinup by AH, to be discriminatory against the physically challenged because he put the cripple in a wheelchair gave Babs a traditional wheelchair rather than a modernized, self-propelled ergonomic styled. He is also stereotypes her as a prude with that high necked top. And is biased against criminal masterminds because she's in black and black is, like, bad or something. And biased against brown people because two of the women are not pink (OMG), that's different and different can never ever be equal, like men and women, y'know?.
I could go on but my sarcasm meter just broke. You want bad, tacky cheesecake by AH?
Here's the latest Catwoman cover. Show of hands from everyone who wants me to do the Batman version! (I'm not sure I'll be able to make him look at hawt as Kate, though).
Thank you fandom. You are so clever and well informed on gay issues. I need a larger blow-torch and the first person to use that flim flam, wishy washy word "problematic", as if though perfection were an obtainable ideal....
I'm going to make cookies. Which, um, makes me femme or something. Sorry, I have a hard time following retarded logic.