Over on the Mail Front

Apr 18, 2008 19:48

It was an unusually nice day, would be the best way to phrase it. It was a bit warm, but it's not yet oppressively humid in the high nineties. I only had my own route to do and left early, which was good. It's allergy season for me and it took 150mg of benadryl before I could reign in flood. I would dare you to take that much and drive around, but I honestly don't advise it. On top of the day being nice, the people on my route were nice, several of them fetching mail because they had blocked their mailboxes, making small talk, waving, being courteous drivers, etc. Highlights included:

A woman was walking her dog along the sidewalk of a main thoroughfare. I was driving along the margin, getting the boxes. Just as the pair were no more than five feet from my bumper, the dog decided to step out onto the road in front of my moving vehicle. You know this emoticon: "O.O" and this one: "D=" ? That's what she did, as I swerved out and braked, enough to dodge her dog without sideswiping the cars passing to my left. Those cars also dutifully stopped. I heard the woman give a breathless "thank you", hauling on her dog, as I resumed delivery without missing a beat.

One old biddy, having come out to fetch her mail due to a parked car, pointing at my long pants and asking if I would be wearing shorts, soon. I told her yes, but added mournfully, that then I would need to shave. She blinked a couple of times before breaking into a chortle, her husband have just joined us, left perplexed. I saw her waving a handful of mail in the direction of my mirrors.

Car ballet, in an outlet where I need to make a regular u-turn. I saw a car directly behind me and, not wanting to hold him up with my point turn, slowed down, letting him pass. He waved at me, checking in the mirror, that I saw. Another car, heading in, witnessed the exchanged and stopped, waving at me to execute the u-turn.

It must be all that pollen, yeah?

Then, I had found a mis-sorted letter for the school, mixed in with the old folks home. The school lets out before I return to that area, but I noticed the listed employee was also one of my residents. I caught her walking her kids home, paced my truck and asked if she was okay taking a business letter off business premises. She was thrilled, because it was apparently something important that she wouldn't have gotten otherwise until Monday.

Oh, and the other day, I saw an enormous red fox, casually cross the street, look back at me in curiosity, amble up a hill, sit down to watch my truck some more. I looked at the fox and the fox looked back at me, waggled its ears and strolled off into the woods.

dogs, work

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