Jul 09, 2004 22:08
alright so some big things happend today... well the biggest being that my mom got accepted to the UW MBA program which basically means she will have NO time what so ever outside of work and now school.. ugh... it sucks hardcore, she will be doing this for 20 months starting in september... which means that when shes done with all this bs i'll be 18... hella coooool mom hella cool... whatever tho shes a good gal i'm sure she'll figure it out (aka i better be a priority...) oh and there is a family of raccoons living across the creek in our back yard, my step dad is secretly feeding them eggs (and in secret i mean he like made me dress up in all black, put a blanket over my head and put the food out there so i wouldnt be "reccognized"... okay, these are animals not freaking geniuses...)they're scaring the living hell out of my cat (now dubbed "puss, in boots") shes up all night stalking the house... so weird... we have named them "zorro" "batman" and "the lone ranger" haha clever i thought... when i asked him where the father was he laughed and said that they dont move in familys and shes a single mother.. in seattle... lol (fitting to him since he's a judge in family law...) but i'm excited b/c me mommy comes home tomorrow! woo hoo