Feb 01, 2013 01:25
Almost two weeks ago I began my veganism adventure! Why you might ask? I have a medical condition. I do not like to talk about it freely to strangers, only the handful of close friends and family I have know about it. I have seizures. Not frequently, not often but I do have them. The type of seizures I have I couldn't even begin to tell you. My neurologist doesn't even know what to call them, he has put me on keppra. I take 1000 mg a day. Now let me start off by saying, I do not instruct anyone to become vegan because of their seizures it might be more damaging to you and your body, please speak to your neuro before starting any type of new diet which can affect your brain. I am in no way shape or form a doctor!
I have been watching many films based on the food industry - thank you netflix, these films will be mentioned in upcoming posts. One of the films I had watched had a very interesting fact. What the food industry is adding into our foods and beverages in some sever cases, is causing neurological issues, also known as seizures. Now with me having to live day by day with seizures I was very puzzled by this fact. I am in no way a healthy person - though I am starting to become now - I ate everything from donuts to candy to ice cream to hamburgers, anything that smelt amazing and looked amazing I ate! So for this documentary to state that it made me really think hard. Was my life style and eating habits contributing to my neurological health?
I then decided from that day on I would experiment on myself - of course under doctor care. I was going to adapt a green life style. This is my adventure to new life style. When I was 16 to now - I am now 24 - I was a on and off vegetarian so going vegan hasn't been much of a challenge but the cooking is horrific. I do not like cooking, and learning to cook has been a challenge for me! I am not stating everyone should be vegan, yes I do agree we should all eat less meat and more vegetables but that is up to you as your own person to make that decision.
Within this two weeks i have adapted a 'DO NOT EAT IF THIS IS STATED ON THE LABEL' list. Funny thing is if I weren't vegan I would still follow this list. In upcoming post I will talk to you about them and why I chose to no longer have them in my daily life. I did on the other hand start juicing. I was not getting any vitamines so picked up this life style! I have a juicer, its not a fancy one but gets the job done. There will be many posts to come. As for now, stay strong and healthy!