Feb 05, 2006 17:10
well i absolutely loathe second semester, like seriously. i have no friends i cannot wait to the summer even though its 87 days away. last night i went over morgans so then we walked to carlys and ther first time she didnt ansewr so then were almost back at morgans and i made me laugh so she starts peeing her pants AHAHAHHAAH we hadda go home and chamge then we went back to carlys and we laughed the hole hour and half there. morgan had a stick and i wanted to snap it in half in the worst way. HAHAHA then we go tto carlys for like 2 scpnds and had brownies and juice boxes! so then morgan spits half of it in my face. then she notices this car like following us and it kept on passing us. me and moprgan were almost in tears and aprinted home for like an hour he passed us 6 times we seriously almost died then got home and hung out then went to bed woke up ate bagels then i said something then morgan spit all her water all over her HHAHAH then we went to get her new ipod she got one and we got cold stone then my mom came and got me.
then i went to target with my mom and my sisters. i fought with shannon the whole time, got in tropuble anbd i bought a purse idk if i like it yet. and im dreading school tomorrow.