Nov 12, 2005 18:02
thank the lord for 2 days off =)
thursday - me sue ryan and mark went over steves household. and my mom like feel asleep and totally forgot to get me and i didnt get home untill like midnight.
friday - went over morgans house. played with her and rearranged her room. then we got ready then went to the game,even though we kinda didnt want to go. it was like below freezing. WE SAW NUMBER 1! it made morgans day. ahaha then came home and went in the hottub for like an hour. cause we were so freaking cold. then we were really tired and went to bed.
today - woke up like at 11? and my whoel family was gone. we made like a feast and we played on the couch and morgan has a boyfriend and we had to super clean and ate candy from last year well i ate from last year. haha then we watched paige do gymnastics. you can basically say shes my bestfriend.
tonight sue asked me to go to the mall. but i couldnt cause i have to freaking babysit. but paige and kevin are allowed to go out and im stuck home with shannon but now my parents i think are letting us coem with them out to dinner.