Weird and sort of late. Time and date.

Jun 11, 2008 06:08

Last night I fell asleep at 2:30 am and woke up at 1 pm. This is an early night for me, and I was expecting to get up but the heat makes me so sleepy. I'm trying to see if I can get through the summer with no A.C. in my home, other than the practice space. If this week is any prophet of weather to come, then it will not last long. I am awake now and don't want to go to bed right now. I hardly ever do. I find strange ways to stay up. Tonight I will talk about my grandfather. His name was Jack Zander and he passed away on Dec. 17th last year. He was awesome and he was 99 years old, born in 1908, before so cool guymany changes in government, technology and social standards. Not many people can say this, and I'm not big on bragging, but you can find him both on wikipedia and imdb. He also always had stouffers frozen macaroni and cheese, and was the most gentlemanly person, complete with a waxed moustache and a bandanna to go out. I miss him, and I'm glad I got the chance to know him. I guess that's all, and I hope this was at least somewhat interesting to you.
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