"cleaning" the encroaching mountain range

May 18, 2014 22:06

start: 9:54 pm

as i clean i probably should no longer ask my housemate if she wants it. she is just as bad of a hoarder as me. im trying to downsize things like the amount of boxes that im keeping. so im trying to get rid of the superly oversized ones. and i make the mistake of asking if she wants things. so she just puts it back in the living room pile. yuck. ok now its going to be permanetly there and i will get in trouble if i clean it up/recycle it now. because now it is no longer in my possession. but it is still sitting there taking up space/looking like a mess

as a fellow crafter that just likes to hang on to something just in case i might need it, i understand it completely. but i think its gotten really out of hand. our living room has become more or less storage. which generally is fine. but its become a mountain range of piles. just because i move it from one side of the room to the next. it does not solve the fact that we are rapidly running out of living room working space.

we literally hae no furniture in the living room but my two bookcases. but we barely have a 2x 5 foot area for a single person to lie down in.

i doubt that after fanime she wil l work on cleaning her area. because then finals will hit. nd then after finals as always everyone bolts.

the graduate student will remain. i dont have friends that arent mutal friends that i invite here. so i guess the mess overall is fine. no one will see it. but spring cleaning is impossible for me. as when it is someone elses mess. i respect their mess - knowing what a pet peeve it is for someone else to "help themselves" and clean my mess for me. as it always agriates me and makes me more mad and frustrated because now i dont even have any idea where something is. it is a weird saying "Respecting someone's mess". but its something that is a personal peeve of me havign to deal with living at home.

but her side is definitely encroaching the remainder of the travel space. i hope that a miracle happens during the week after finals and that it shrinks. or else we will no longer have any space to tred even carefully in the living room.

maybe i should talkto her about it. but i know that the week before fanime is not the place or time to mention it. nor is the two weeks after with finals.

end: 10:04 pm
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