Sep 29, 2004 21:24
Well, let me just day kinda sucked. The morning went pretty well, of course this is just including my dance class, but still, it went well. After class I decide to watch the end of one of my favorite movies...61*. But I realized that this puts me into a depressing mood. Even though the movie itself is not depressing, actually it's quite the opposite, but makes me depressed because I remember how mad I was when Mark Maguire hit his 62 homerun, so that just makes me depressed that Mark broke Marris' record instead of some player I actually respect. But then I was thinking, well this is just like how it was for Marris, people being mad at him for breaking Ruth's record. But then I was think no, not exactly, because there was a huge celebration after Maguire's homerun, and that was just not necessary. So to get back to the real point, watching the end of this movie, this morning, put me in a depressing mood for the rest of the day. Then at work this afternoon, I was asked what I had learned today. And you know what my answer was...uhhhh...nothing. I should have learned something. Well maybe it was that I shouldn't watch 61* in the morning. I'm also somewhat frustrated because I finally got to a point in my life where I was able to watch Fehrenheit 9/11, and believe it or not, the fucking projector broke, so I wasted like half an hour sitting in Olin learning how I should view the movie, and then I don't even get to watch the fucking thing. I know it's probably a movie I should see, and not let my political views or my personal feelings about Michael Moore get in the way, but that's the way the cookie crumbles folks. So maybe later in the future will be the time that I see this movie. Well one good thing that happened today, is all the baseball teams that I want to win, have won today. Oh and I have no homework for tonight, which is very rare, but I'm happy about. So here's wishing tomorrow is better, and I hope the two people who are likely to read this have a very good day/night...whatever :)