May 19, 2004 15:34
Well yeah the yesterday entry was kind a five mintue wat have i been up to....hmmm nuttin i guess everything has been ok i guess i'm starting to be myself..kinda down for a while...and now i knoe i really have friends that i can for surely trust and knoes who i am...really knoe who i am....i'm not a fake!!! Why would u want a fake to be ur friend, always be urself....
so yeah right now i'm kinda confuse as in boys....well it was weird for what Alex did today..he came up to me and hug me..but i bet it was just a friendly hug????? It was a little weird....and then I see Kyle and Brittany hug???? Um....what is wrong.....honestly Alex and I never hug so as Kyle and Brittany.....huh?....I'm i missing something...confused???.....
Who like the words I LOVE YOU!!!! Can u honestly say that to's pretty a strong word to say to do u knoe if ur in love....honestly ur only 14 years old.....
Well i would like to give some shout out since everybody else to it (sry no digital camera to show my friends):
Mandy: Mandy or should i say dude!!! many jokes....what can i say it's Mandy one of my good friends, who i like to sherish my happiness and my love.....i knoe Mandy pretty well and i knoe she will always be there for me...i hope...u better!!!! was really nice meeting her..only know her this year....but it was like if i knew her forever...
Scarlet...Scarlet...Scarlet it's Scarlet..c'mon she is like there..yeah i always see her every single day..but hey don't u just love What can i say about Scarlet well that i knoe we can always be friends...and joke so much...mostly the one thing i won't forget about her is 7th and 8th grade...*sniff* wow we had so much fun
Yasmin: Funny Yasmin...always there to mak eme laugh...always there to help me when i don't really need much fun with her..even though we don't talk anymore...for reals...Yasmin..well she's there to bring my hopes up even when i'm down...tell me the good quality about me..making me be real....
Nancy: Hmmm...gosh how can i start..well i known Nancy after Winter tmuch bu ti knoe she well always stay near me...i can always trust this gurl...Nancy and i we had fun times with eachother..mostly at lunch cuz u knoe who gets*cough* stinks that school is almost over...think of it was just yesterday we just beraly knew how did we get to knoe eachother????
i guess that's all my true friends...i can always trust these people.....
well right now i really need some answers, but that is how life is "u will never know" too many questions that cannot be answer...cuz if u think about it...not everything can be answer just for u..there's like other million of people out there too...
well well well.....