May 11, 2004 14:42
Well it's 6th period right now, and i'm in Rupp's room...Anyways lets me what has been happening, um....well I'm not metionging anyone, but there's a friend who's been a little different lately....
Mandy is sitting right next to it is Mandy: I LOVE MANDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay~from Mandy
So yeah um anyways life's been great lately, everyone has been great, but there's some stuff..but yeah i love everybody and everybody loves me...I hope...
Well my boy well i don't really knoe who i like...i'm so confused right now..with boys right now, i just love talking to them and laughing with them, but lieking them, might be very difficult because well like i said likeing your boest guy friend really sinks and honestly it's really hard to hook up with one of your best guy friend because what happens if u guys break up, see there's diffrent type of guys there's the guys who would stay friends after u guys broke up or there's the guy who hates u for the rest of ur u decided if u want to hook up with ur best guy friend, because for me I got hurt once for lieking ur guyfriend and u dont' understand how hard it was....belive me....but it does really stink because yeah u guys are close u guys talk a lot u guys are always laughing u can go to him when u need something, he always there for his shoulder...yeah u may have all that stuff but then uf u end up lieing him things mights change because what happens if he doesn't like u...What will happen to u....maybe he just counts u as one of his best gurl friend to talk do u think? It's complicated but u decide if u want to ..but having a best guy friend to talk to is better then having him as a boyfriend, because what happens if u guys break up...There are many questions that are not going to be answer until it happens...
Wow kinda got offf topic....So everyone please be happy.....