Washington Trip Report - part 27 - Point No Point vegetation

Apr 05, 2020 21:34

More photos from Point No Point on November 15

This is the trail that goes through the field then up the hill into the woods.

There were some tall trees in the woods

There were maple trees as well, shedding their leaves as trees are inclined to do in the fall.

The pacific northwest is full of ferns. They were growing along the trail, in the woods, and on the trees.

One of the common ferns is the Western Sword Fern

Licorice Ferns like to grow on tree trunks

There were plenty of mushrooms and fungi too

November isn't the best month for wildflowers but I found more than I expected. These pink flowers were growing at the edge of the beach.

I found a different variety of pink flowers growing along the path in in the woods.

This yellow flower resembles a dandelion but its leaves were totally different. I think it is some kind of hawkweed.

Another yellow flower

trees, fungus, washington, point no point, flowers, photos, washington 2019

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