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a Creative Commons licence. All entries in this analysis written by Isaac Lester except those marked *
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Function / Role
Sun 03 Sep 1775
Tilsed came up fm Burton, abt 6 a Clock [evening]
Tue 07 Nov 1775
Settled with Tilsy & Lander to Day
Thu 02 May 1776
Tilsed was here about Carrying The Ship out in ye Morning
Sat 17 Aug 1776
That Dirty fellow Gregory in has Got the Vessell on Shoar again obligd to Get Tilsed, & a Man of his & all Biddlecombs People to go down & heave her off, & fear they Wont do it Till Next Spring Tide
Pilot (from context)
Sat 17 Aug 1776
Tillsed Came up in the Eaveng & Told me they Got the Hopewell off But did not See Biddlecomb & his People Going down so that I afraid Theyll Lay in the Mudd all Night
Pilot (from context)
Sun 18 Aug 1776
Tilsed Got out The Hopewell This Morning, about, 6 a Clock had not I Sent him Down that xxxx Puppy with the Wind this Way wd not have got her out in a Month
Tue 03 Sep 1776
Tilsed came up about 6 a Clock Send him Down Directly with a Letter to Ben.
Pilot (from context)
Tue 03 Sep 1776
Tilsed came up again out of ye Bay & Could not Prevaile on the Fool Biddlecomb to Send his Wife up so that I Suppose he Wont Saile To Night as I orderd him
Pilot (from context)
Sun 24 Nov 1776
When I Came home I heard the Catherine was Arrivd in the Bay Last night at 9 a Clock & 5 of ye Fellows took ye boat & went a Shore at Studland with her & Left her, Jenkins, Thos Wises aprentist was one of Them & Sent for him, he gives me a Poor Acct of Things. Sent for Wm Tilsed & orderd him Down in ye Bay to Bring her in
Sat 21 Dec 1776
Sent for Tilsed ye Pilot this Morning to Look after my Bro
Mon 23 Dec 1776
Capt Parker came in & told me, that he had Got Tilseds Son in Hold, his Wifes Mother & Father have been here to me to by (beg?) Parker to Get him off
Son pressed
Mon 23 Dec 1776
Willm Tillsed came here abt his Sons being Pressd, Sent him to Capt Parker
Son pressed
Mon 23 Dec 1776
The Mayor Lookd in abt, Tillseds Son being Pressd
Son pressed
Mon 23 Dec 1776
Sent Willm Tilsed Down to Look out for my Brother
Wed 25 Dec 1776
Sent for Tilsy & order him & Blunden to go & Look out for my Bro
Thu 26 Dec 1776
Wm Tilsed came up to tell me, he Saw no Vessell out to Day
Tue 07 Jan 1776
Tillsed the Pilot came in ys Eaveng out of ye Bay, Saw Nothing of Ben
Sat 11 Jan 1777
Tilsed ye Pilot Lookd to Tell me he had been out to day no News
Thu 29 Jul 1777
Sent for Thos Tilsed & orderd him to go to Wareham to Morrow Morng to Mr Claselly for Canvas
Fri 30 Jul 1777
Thos Tilsed came fm Wareham where he had been to see Some Canvas for us
Fri 03 Oct 1777
Sent for Thos Tilsed & Pd him
Fri 30 Apr 1779
John Tilsey Pilote to The Lovely Amy, came down in the Evening says the Convoy is all Ready, that the Mary is at Spithead & he spoke with Capt Park in the Trinity of X Church head, & would get up this Evening -- fresh Gale at SEt
Tue 29 Apr 1788
Morng Calm fine Weather, James Blandford The Carpenter left behind in the Susan came sent him of by John Tilsed
Fri 08 Feb 1799
Close dark Easterly Wind all day 6 a Clock in the Evening a most Alarming fire broke out in Mr Ths Tilsed Sail Loft burnt it down, Mr Knight & T Burts house next it to the Ground & Damag'd the lofts of the next, fortunately went no farther, but Mr Jeffries barricks was near catching. The great Exertions by the Soldiers, & Inhabitants saved the whole Town must have been Burnt, the pieces of flakes of Fire came over my house into the Yard, Wind Strong at SEt for 2 hours we were in an Alarming Situation happy there was Snow on the Ground & on the houses
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