Because writing is sexy (in that "die young and leave a mentally ill corpse" way)...

Oct 19, 2006 02:41

...I just signed up for Nanowrimo. I've clearly lost my mind. Amelia's doing it too, though, so we're going to be insane-type people together! I see many a Nanowrimo-themed pizza night in our future, darling. Oh, and caffeine. Lots and lots of caffeine.

In other "The Honorary Asian makes a random commitment" news, tonight I auditioned for the GW Spring Opera Scenes. This year they're doing a mix of scenes from operas and their contemporary musical counterparts: ie, La Boheme and Rent, Madame Butterfly and Miss Saigon, Aida and...Aida. Yeah, so I auditioned with two of my arias from last semester's voice jury (woot for those hours of Italian pronunciation practice finally having a real-world use) and I felt okay about them. Considering I hadn't practiced either of them with accompaniment since the end of last semester? I didn't botch the timing too badly. *coughs* We'll see.

Oh, my voice professor came up to me in the hallway during the Band break the other night. He was all, "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" which kind of makes me happy because it means I'm missed, but then I also feel guilty since I totally lied and told him the reason I'm not in private voice lessons this semester is because I'm at my credit limit, and I'm not. I really just wanted to get my GPA back up after the Research Methods debacle, and that meant cutting back on a few things. I am, however, taking Piano, Vocal Theatre, and Band...I guess I needed a semester away from private lessons to clear my head. I'll be back, I will!

Um, okay. I never thought I'd say this, but I really liked Jeffrey's collection. I did! *dodges rocks as they whiz by her head* It was gorgeous and different in a classy way. He accomplished what Santino couldn't: he made the out-there designs tell a coherent story, and it was damn good.

It's funny, my rankings actually lined right up with those of the judges...Michael, though I LOVE him, was a disappointment. I think he cracked under the pressure of having to generate ideas from a completely blank slate. He's very young and extremely talented, but he does his best work when there are guidelines, and that's not enough to win the competition.

Laura...gah. Yeah, her clothes are well-made, but I think my pulse slowed to the point of having a near-death experience watching her collection go down the runway.

Uli's collection was gorgeous, abso-fucking-lutely gorgeous! I loved everything about it, but I think the utterly impressive cohesiveness of Jeffrey's collection tipped the scales in his favor. I bet good money that if she had been in the top three last year she could have won it all (I'm still cringing over Chloe's 80s-inspired gowns, ugh--Daniel V. was robbed, damn it).

I'd like to make the random point that this has been an amazing year so far. Last year was a nightmare in so many ways, and now I'm happier than I've been since freshman year. Every time I go out on the street now I see people I know, people I can smile at and people who will say hello, ask how I am and mean it. Warm fuzzies abound. I also think I'm looking at the world through a more mature lens, with the ability to see the goodness in things that are good and to turn away from things that are destructive; hopefully this is changing my writing for the better, hm? *frets over Nanowrimo*
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