I just spent the weekend in Jersey and I would like to say one thing before I say anything else: they have TREES there! Considering my experience with the fine state of New Jersey before basically comprised driving on the Turnpike, this fact took me completely by surprise. A nice surprise, but t'was a surprise nonetheless. (I'm sure that now I'll be getting all kinds of hate mail detailing the full extent of my ignorance re: New Jersey, but whatever.) I stayed at my friend's house--which was very pretty--and we finally got to see Superman, which was way better than I thought it was going to be. I mean, dude. Lex Luthor (Kevin Spacey) made a reference to sea monkeys. I had a moment, right there in the theatre. *giggles madly* Oh, and Lois Lane's kid looks ridiculously similar to my roommate's little brother, and all I could think through the whole movie was how awesome it would be if her little brother had superpowers.
Of course, and I know I've obviously been watching way too much Oz, but the best part of the entire film was when Luthor SHANKED Superman. I had one of my fits of uncontrolled inappropriate laughter during that bit, yes I did.
I finally have my idea for my QAF dare!fic, and it's coming together quite nicely (provided that I can keep my focus for more than ten minutes at a time, which has been difficult with all the night shifts I've had to pull at work recently). The concept came to me in a dream during which I met the Ghost of Corporate Future. He also told me that I should cut my own hair and lick a rock, so I'm still taking everything with a grain of salt, but hey. Ideas are ideas!
Malan, why did you have to go and become so tragically lovable? Goddamn it. Upon my first viewing of the episode, I was shocked that Malan went home, and I was furious that Angela and Vincent didn't get a duel booting. I mean, they were both pissy little bastards for the entire episode, and Angela didn't help on the dress at all, which should be grounds for elimination. However, after having read Tim Gunn's post-show blog and having gone back to look at the dresses, I sadly see why Malan got the boot. Vincent's dress was mediocre, but it was well-made (nasty shoulder things aside). Malan? He had a flawed design, which was then badly executed. I don't feel like his partner threw him under the bus at all, and he took the elimination with dignity, but I still can't help but feel bad about it.
On a happier note, Robert the Barbie guy Kayne the pageant guy = my newest OTP. So, so gay, those boys. Adorkable!
I just saw the new Vanished promo, and I'm literally making incoherent squeaky noises. I'm such a fannish whore, oh my God. Gale Harold is a very, very pretty man, and he has very gay hands. I couldn't take my eyes off of them during that whole damn promo!
At work the other night we had this pop star from Cameroon come and perform to a packed house! Normally I'd be annoyed with how crowded it was in our little restaurant, but Kaissa (the singer) was really awesome and the crowd left fantastic tips at the end of the night. The band actually left me a significant tip at the end of the night for keeping such a good eye on them during their time with us. I guess I picked up some decent VIP stalking skills from the Kennedy Center, hmm? (We'll all just ignore the time I made an ass of myself in front of Michael Kaiser--the president of the Kennedy Center--and how he thinks I'm a total doofus. Thanks.) Oh, and my boss found out that I speak French, and since his English isn't very good (he's Haitian; his brother, the owner, is also Haitian but his English is way better...not sure how that worked out) he's taken to talking to me primarily in French. It's pretty cool, but the constant code-switching while I'm working is probably going to wear on me eventually. For now, though, it's cool.
I'm thinking of going into Downtown Brooklyn and some other areas tomorrow to check out places my co-workers recommended since I've been quite wary of exploring the parts of Brooklyn that aren't Bed-Stuy. I will not stalk Randy Harrison, no I will not. *repeats ad nauseum*
On another QAF-related note, I finally purchased the season five DVDs!!!!! When I realized that I was far enough out of the red to not have to worry about money for a while *curses her college student budget*, I couldn't resist Amazon.com's siren call. I'm so excited to complete my collection! (Of course, this also means that I will have DVDs ready if
tauntingthemuse follows through on her drunken promise to come visit me, hee hee!)