
Jul 30, 2011 17:27

Well, it appears pigs are flying today because not only has summer finally arrived in the Pacific Northwest but I'm here writing on LJ. Lordy, what a year. Here's the short version for anyone interested:

March 17 Husband Broke Right Ankle
April 22 Son Broke Left Leg
June 12 Son off crutches
June 17 Husband off crutches
June 22 I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer
June 25 Husband cleared to drive again

The joke around here is we're bubble wrapping Anna because so far (knock on ALL the wood in the house, real and faux), she's the only one to come out of the year in the clear. Oi vey.

The good news is my husband and son are both doing just fine and my tumor was so small, that while I did have it surgically removed, I don't need radiation! Woohoo!

And, it's finally gotten sunny here! Now, I know, every other nook and cranny of the country is sweltering and the sound of our cool, temperate summer is enticing, but to that, I would like to point out the fact that by mid-July, we'd had 78 minutes of summer (78 minutes above 80 degrees) and only 18 hours of temps above 75. That isn't even a whole day. My grass is mossy, I have mushrooms growing in my landscape, and last Thursday, my husband wore a stocking cap and mittens at Nate's flag football game. I know, I know - the grass is always greener, you always wanted curly hair and it's not fair how cheap the houses are anywhere except where you live. But I've paid my dues this year and have earned the right to be a little whiny.

And now that my family is up and running again and I'm in the cancer free and clear column, I am writing again. Yup, another woohoo! for that. A friend talked me into taking another writing class and I signed up for a "Don't break the chain" app and sure enough, my competitive streak is damn sure I am not going to get a big ol' red X on my calendar. 7 days in and it's all green. Not that what I'm writing is anything more than fun, but it's kind of nice to have the creative juices flowing again.

And I've had to laugh - anyone else getting reviews on HP fan fiction written years ago? With the release of this last movie, suddenly I have a new following and this great desire to send an apology to each and every person who reviews that they had to suffer through my stories. What I know now that I didn't know then! The review that made me smile the most started, "I see you have replied to a review since 2008..." And yet they reviewed anyway. Bless them! Did my ego good all while I was cringing over my dangling participles and bad use of adverbs. It was such a fun time writing all that. I sure miss it! Maybe, one of these days, I'll dabble in it again.

Enough for now. Gotta go feed my kids - my 12 year old son is now officially taller than me and I'm 5' 8". His father laughs at this to which I simply smile. His time is coming.
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