Games as a sign of the times

Jul 11, 2020 19:45

This morning I was browsing the Nintendo Switch eShop's "Great Deals" section for what's currently on sale. There are often weirdass yet intriguing-looking indie titles there for like nine cents or ridiculous giveaway prices along those lines, but I've always been reluctant to pick them up. Not because of the cost, but because I use LastPass so my Nintendo eShop password is something like tlg1!#SAakh&D@ag!^UDFj2%*5h#$ or some nonsense, and I have to enter it manually every time, with a controller, and it's just... not... worth it, not for some random bargain bin gamesoft. I've often thought that if I just gave myself like $10 or so standing eShop balance, I would probably use it and start picking up some of these offers.

Today I finally broke down and did just that, opening up the Nintendo section of my LastPass vault for hopefully the last time in at least a little while. I picked up The Deer God for I think something like 42 cents after tax, earning 2 Nintendo Gold Points for the transaction. (1 point = $0.01 in redeemable Nintendo Funbux.) I also picked up NO THING for 19 cents, using my 2 Gold points to knock it down to 17 cents, with a one cent tax bringing it back up to 18 cents grand total, plus that transaction earned me exactly one (1) more Gold Point so I can get one cent off the next time I do this. If this weren't a fully automated process, like if I were in GameStop dealing with a human I was forcing to go through all of this, Nintendo would have to be so sick of my shit by now.

Anyway, I have like $9.40-something and one Gold Point remaining and I'm interested to see where this ends up going. Much like my Steam account, I'm going to turn my Switch library into the finest in Absolute Bullshit.

(Car Quest and The Way Remastered were excellent, though. Those are valid and legitimate and even people besides bullshit collectors should look into them. I will fight you.)

... And then a friend informed us that both today's purchases were actually already in The Bundle anyway.

It's... look, we've managed to go through and examine and curate seven pages' worth of Bundle games total. There are like 50-something pages total. This is going to be a thing whenever I shop anywhere else for like... a while, probably.

That said... oh well? I don't mind dropping like 50-60 cents to get those two on the Switch where I can play them in bed on the big screen and such. But yeah, "Oops I bought this indie game because I wasn't aware or completely forgot that I had it already" is just... that sure is the world we live in now, game-wise, I guess. This is a cross-posted entry that originated from Please leave all comments there; I am no longer actively maintaining my LiveJournal blogs.

miscellany, #saakh

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