Who has more drama in their life? me or you?

Jul 28, 2005 01:47

This one will be long I know…

Wow.. So I guess I have kind of a new life going on this whole past week and a half! SO MUCH has changed for me.. I have givin` in to so many things and realized a lot also. I know things that I need in my life and things I need to eventually let go of. Yes life might come at me fast but go ahead I’m READY! Ready for anything.. Big or small! I’m armed with so many thing to keep me strong! GOD, my family, & my friends! ALL OF THEM! Ones I never knew cared so much!

God has my life planned for me, he ALWAYS has. He may put me in positions harder than I think I can be but it’s only to make me stronger. He wont throw anything at you he knows you can’t conquer. Everything has been planned, it amazes me.. I will keep him in my life forever. He is my ultimate BEST FRIEND!

My family…Wow.. I think in the past week I have became so much closer. Maybe more than ever! My mom has been there for me through this all.. Through everything she always will be! It makes me kinda sad to know I haven’t let her in like this before.. Kinda saddens me. & then my sister.. CRAP! We have umm.. Not been this close in awhile. Well actually NEVER! It’s really awesome! Turning out to be the sister I always wished I had! My dad.. Ahh he is just the same ol` old dude! Ü

Then.. MY FRIENDS!!! AHH!!! I love them all! Every single one! This is prolly the hardest thing I have faced & 24-7 I know very single one of them care. Yeah it’s a simple “guy” issue but to me it’s hard. & to know they care they care to make sure I’m okay & to talk me through it! I love you.. ALL OF YOU! Britny, Jeni, Amanda, Jackie W., Jackie H., Adam Ü, Derek, Mike, Ben, Tiff, Jessica, Andrea, Ame, Michelle.. Thank you guys! I’m sorry I annoy you.. I promise with time it will end.. It’s just difficult!

So lets see.. “The Update”.. David & Kelli.. Are.. done! : ( As of right now.. After talking to him for a hour tonight.. And just listening to him go off on me.. I’m finished. Yes I love you & this hurts me the most but It has to be better. It isn’t healthy. I don’t want to be the person you can yell at and laugh at. It hurts. I wanted to be the one you love & cared about. Obviously we are on different paths. I’m sorry I hurt you, sorry for everything I have done to you. Sorry for everything you have done to me. Maybe one day you will see it.. See where we went wrong. I’m sorry it has brought us to end our friendship at that.. I wish.. I wish.. It could go back. But look.. Look at where we are.. Maybe you could see it one day, not take it so hard, see the reasons behind what I did.. I didn’t mean it & I will never mean it. I love you.. But I will learn to let it fade out. I will miss you more than anything in the world. You were/are my everything. Maybe in our future we can go back to out friendship but as for now.. Thank you. (I’ll always be here for you)

Don't get me wrong tho.. I <3 him & miss him.. i feel it may jsut be the right thing? yes / no?

So I guess that mean I’m single again.. & ready to look for something to compare again! I hate it but it’s something I have to do unless I want to live alone until I die but that will be okay I can just live with Manda Lynn & Eric! ha!! So bring it on.. Well maybe not too soon but soon enough! I wish I could just find Mr. Right & my all RIGHT NOW! But gotta “Live it up“! (as they say, ha ha)

I’ll get it right sooner or later! I will I will!!!!

Now for the RaNdOmS!

-New life, New everything.. Yup so I got my hair Chopped off! Oops.. I like tho!

-It’s hard but I can deal. I’ve been through It all before.. And I’m still makin it!

-This has all really took a great total on me.. Guess you kinda get depressed, haven’t ate a real “meal” in about a week or so. I’ll get around to it! Food is always good, can’t live without it! Being sick SUCKED too the beginning of this week! eww…

-Defiantly have meet prolly the most outrageous person ever! She is so fricken sweet! & guess what she lives in Cali! So going out to see her! lol! I am to Brit! She has been there for me since Day one! Callin` and emailin` & everything.. Cheerin me up & helping me through! Great times tho! It’s gunna be funny when ya move back hun! Physco girls together! lol. But thanks Britny for being there for me through everything and listenin to me ramble on and on and on about David! Don’t worry I’m always here to listen to you too! <3 ya!

-Yup hung out with Jackie the other night.. Kinda awkward.. But fun! Went out to Mikes.. talked about random things, just had a fun time! Ur a really sweet girl & I’m glad we don’t have to fight about stupid guys ne-more! Who needs em?! Well us duh but hey!

-Not arguing with Michael anymore.. Saved a friendship.. Kinda glad.. He is someone I know I will always be able to talk to & lean on. Thanks hun!

-Had to housesit this weekend! Kinda fun.. Could have had a place to myself but it got lonely so I stayed home! Ü Can’t wait till I get my own place tho!

-Jeni & Adam & myself had a awesome day this week! Beached it, Got some Ice-cream, went SWINGING!! omg.. Who hasn’t done that in a LONG time? Two different places we went.. I thin we went swimming 30 times that day too! & pizza at the boat launch on a picnic table.. It was really great to hang out with them! Sunflower seeds too! Ü

-Almost died with Adam the other day in the HUGE waves, guess it wasn’t dark out?

-Found out that Stephanie’s mom can’t keep her fricken mouth shut and has to bring everyone down with her cuz her life SUCKS! Guess.. I’m pregnant with David’s kid (she knows it! Ha thanks to Robb and Stephanie!).. Umm Amanda & I are the reason she left home! Oh and don’t worry ur little Stephanie is such a “sweetheart” HAHA MY ASS! Maybe you should try for some quality time with her.. See what ur kids really like.. Like you said.. YOU DON’T KNOW ME!!

-Oops.. I go off to much!

-I think I miss Joel a whole lot right now! I duno.. I wish more than anything he could be back here with everyone but he is in a better place.. Much better. He was just always someone you could talk to and he would be there no matter what.. It’s almost been a year. I love you Joel and miss you more than EVER!

-I will live! Ü

-So I have a job interview tomorrow @ 8:30.. Early! For a Daycare! Should be fun.. Hope I get it!

-Maybe going to a horse thing with Derek tomorrow? I love horses! Yeah!!

Well that’s about it with me & my CRAZY life! enjoy! Update more .. I duno when! Muah! -me!
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