Wow! Okay so the past I would say 2 days have been awesome! Couldn't have asked for better ones! Things are really starting to look up for David and I.. Things have been settled and have turned around.. hopefully. Yup so the past days.. I have helped my mom with the Girls! Kimmi and Lucinda! Here for over a week now! I <3 them! Did Open House crap... Hung out with David.. Last night we went to the movies (War of the Worlds) with Amanda and Eric & then back to David's for video games!! Whoo Hoo! Oh fun right Amanda... Amanda & I just searched his room for hidden things! lol! Played a random game of golf at 2 in the morning?! Not at balls tho.. Bugs! ha! Then...
So today was prolly one of my better days.. well so so.. Got in a huge fight with my mom & sister.. i did absoultly NOTHING wrong (except hit my sister, learn not to call me a bitch..) But I owned up to it.. O-well temper can get to me. Well David came and saved the day.. picked me up and then went and spent all his paycheck at the mall! New cloths, shoes, & beltbuckles! haha! Cute tho! minus the shoes! Didn't like them.. already had a pair.. Then back to his house to get ready then Summer Celebration.. First time David and I went down and walked around.. Spent so much money.. He won me, I dont know 3 animals & two fishies! Oh and Amanda a animal too! Then here comes the better part... OMG... right before we walked out someone came up to us and said that Real World cast was walking out of the concet.. Guess who it was... AHHH!!!
Cameran... Tina.. & Darell!
No you don't even understand! I love Cameran.. I watched every show because of her.. i want to name my girl her name because ahh i don't know.. Something about her.. Well needless to say David, myself, Eric, and Amanda followed them around for about a hour.. Got some AWESOME pictures with them, (thank god for David's picture phone) talked with them.. It was great but weird cuz you never really thing you would ever see them and why would they choose Muskegon to come here?? Crazy!! But no David got a "what's up pimpin?" from Darell and a hug from Cameran.. he thinks he's hot shit now! I don't know I'm still pretty crazy about it! David & i are getting the pictures printed off then I will put them on here!
I don't care who you are but I thought it was pretty neat tonight! Ü
So that's about it.. My night was great.. got some cute animals, two fishies, and some GREAT pictures!! That's all for now.. Brad Paisly tomorrow night!! Yippie! Cowboy hats! Oh & David ended up getting a ticket! yes! I can go in! Have a great night and day! muah!!
Ahh my Girl!! Cameran! You don't even know! I never missed a show just because of her!!
Tina.. haha! She was so funny tonight!
Last but not least.. Darrell! David's new best Friend (or so he thinks)