
Poop Eyrie

Aug 19, 2019 00:49

The space exploration panels at Dublin 2019 turned out to have a specific theme, and when Saturday's filk circle ended up with three new songs written during the con, I could do no worse. These two elements combined to this filk sacrilege, which caused
bedlamhouse to call me a very very bad person.

Cosmos glares, and suns do flare
And rays we never can doubt.
Cosmic wind, wailing from the past,
Can hurt us as we move from Earth
And crush our hopes going out.

But the poo-pile was toss'd out; lightening the strain:
We will have to fetch it back again.

Bowels turn while the far stars burn,
And stomachs and bladders strain
Life's crown passed onto lunar lands,
Left it exposed to the cosmic bands
For fifty years in the rain

For the poo-pile was toss'd out; lightening the strain:
We will have to fetch it back again.

We know well what Life can tell:
If you would not perish, then poo.
And today our fragile flesh and steel
Has laid our poo on a far out wheel
With only Kowal to know

That the poo-pile was toss'd out; lightening the strain:
We will have to fetch it back again.

But we who feel the weight of the pee
When nature comes making its call
Can hope for tomorrow and raise our eyes
To golden globes in the opened skies
And a single bag of poo

For the poo-pile was toss'd out; lightening the strain:
We will have to fetch it back again.

From all who pood during history's tide,
Salute for the team that won.
And the old Earth smiles as her children pee
in their boots on Tranquility Sea
and left poo in shining sun.

For the poo-pile was toss'd out; lightening the strain:
We will have to fetch it back again.

Crossposted from https://kjn.dreamwidth.org/82685.html. Please comment there.


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